Lewis nixon

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//You ran through the darkened and cold forest of Bastogne. You ran as you heard the call for medic everywhere as you dodged pieces of tree's flying everywhere caused by the shelling."MEDIC" You heard from the left right and centre.You couldn't take it. You tried to scream out but the snow and shelling cancelled out the scream.You tried to find someone to help that possible could make it but all you could find where dead , decapitated bodies."MEDIC" you heard again as you ran closer to a live injured body.There was a massive hole in the soldiers stomach and you tried to calm him down but the more you tried the more he seemed to screams and the more blood soaked onto your hands and sleeves.

"Please help me" he said before his eyes rolled to the back of his head."Shit" you yelled out.You stood up but you just collapsed back into your knees as the words screamed about."MEDIC"  "HELP ME"  "YOU DIDN'T EVEN TRY"  "YOUR A TERRIBLE  MEDIC".
You screamed out into the forest clutching your helmet to your head." Please stop , please" you cried out.You stood up and tried to find your boyfriend, Lewis Nixon."Nix?" You yelled out into the Forrest."NIX" you yelled out."Y/N" someone yelled out to you in worry and fear.It was nix."Nix" you said.You ran and found nix's bloodied body."No" you screamed out dripping down into your sore cold knees once again."Nix , nix please wake up" you cried out.Snow started to fall once again , covering the old blood stained snow from before.//

You woke up screaming and sweating and checking your hands for blood."Hey , hey it's okay , it was just a nightmare" Lewis said sitting down onto the bed.Tears where threatening to spill from your eyes.You wrapped your arms around his tightly as your face pressed into his chest.nix lay next to you."You wanna talk about it" he asked.You shook your head."Okay, (kisses your forehead) okay" nix said.You wiped the tears away from your eyes."I-I couldn't save them all Lew , people died cause I couldn't save them In time" you whimpered.

"Sweetheart you tried to save everyone single person you attended too , you tried your very best and it's not your fault those Krauts where raped firing us , you tried your best and have saved so many more people so don't you ever feel bad" Lewis said kissing your forehead.You nodded gently into his chest."Your so beautiful you know that" he said smiling."I'm not I'm a mess" you said."I still think your beautiful what ever you look like even when we are old and grey" Lewis said kissing your lips softly.you returned the kiss."I love you" you said."I love you more" he said." You sure about that you" you smirked into the kiss."Guess I'll have to prove it too you" he smirked as he pinned you to the bed."Guess you will" you smirked.both of you laughed together.

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