Part 9: Sword of the Thunder God

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Idate and Team 8 come face to face with a ninja from Amegakure (Hidden Rain) who had just ambushed them with needles.

"Hello Idate, Long time no see." The man with the Rain village headband stated.

"You know this fool Idate?" Mira asked.

"Unfortunately, yes. He is the one who helped me escape Konoha and become a rogue ninja when I failed the Chunin exams." Idate said, looking down.

Flashback no Jutsu

Idate is sitting in the corner thinking about what Ibiki had just said to him.

"You will never be a chunin, in fact, I don't think you even deserve to be a ninja anymore." Ibiki sneered. "If you cannot figure out the answer to the last question, then I am sorry, but you cannot be a ninja in Konoha."

"Big brother... I swear to you. One day, I will figure out the answer to the last question, and then I will force you to make me a chunin upon my answer." Idate yelled at his big brother.

"Come back to me when you have the answer. Then, and only then, will I consider reinstating you as a ninja." Ibiki stated.

Idate walked around the village, muttering to himself and kicking a rock. "Stupid big brother, why did he have to trick us with the 10th question? I answered every other question correctly, so why did I fail the exam? Big brother should have made an easier question. How are we supposed to know what the answer is?"

Just then, a ninja appeared in front of Idate.

"Well hello there, I heard you failed the chunin exams. On the first stage too? How pitiful." The ninja stated.

"Look, if you're just here to rub it in that I failed, save it. I am not in the mood." Idate said, in an angry tone.

"I'm not here to do anything except offer you an opportunity. My name is Aoi Rokusho. I will be leaving the village in a few months, and we will be heading to the Rain village. I know the leader there and I can make you a chunin ninja there."

"Wait, are you saying that there is still a way I can become a chunin?"

"Yes, but there is a catch. You will need to go into the Hokage office and grab the scroll of sealing as a peace offering to the Rain village."

"I will do whatever it takes. But will you promise to make me a chunin ninja in the Rain Village?"

"I will do what I can, but I cannot promise that you will get promoted to chunin right away. You will still have to earn that title."

"Thank you Mr. Rokusho. Now what is it I need to do exactly?"

"All in good time young blood, all in good time." Aoi said. "Tell you what, for the next few months, I will personally train you to become the strongest ninja you can be."

"Thank you Aoi Sensei. It means a lot to me that you would take me under your wing. I will not let you down." Idate jumped up eagerly and got to work.

Timeskip to the day they steal the scroll. Idate has grown rapidly since training with Aoi, learning kenjutsu skills, increasing his speed, and becoming the fastest genin in the Leaf for his class. Aoi has constantly praised Idate's speed and ability to pick up on things quickly, along with his resolve to be a good ninja. Even without affinity for ninjutsu or genjutsu, Idate was quickly turning into a capable shinobi in the eyes of Aoi. 

"So here's the plan. At midnight, you are to sneak into the Hokage's office, I have already mapped out the place so you shouldn't be detected by any alarms or traps. Once inside, you will grab the scroll of sealing from this vault *points to a vault on the blueprints* and deliver the scroll to me at the rendezvous point." Aoi explained the plan, to which Idate agreed.

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