Part 8: The Land of Tea - Team 8's C-rank

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After a month of doing D-rank missions, all the rookie 12 are tired and want harder missions. They have all already discussed this with their jonin leaders and they all agreed to ask the Hokage for harder missions. They all collectively agreed to ask the Hokage with the other teams.

All three genin teams met up outside the Hokage's office to ask for their missions. 

"I see you're tired of D-rank missions too huh?" Mira asked.

"They're a drag. Oh great, now I'm starting to sound like Shikamaru." Naruto joked, and Shikamaru shot him a death glare.

"That's my line Naruto, now stop being a drag."

"Sorry buddy, now when will Sasuke's team get here? We've been waiting for the past hour." Naruto said impatiently.

Just then, Sasuke showed up with Choji having like 500 trillion bags of chips.

"Sorry we're late. SOMEONE here looks at Choji forced us to go into the supermarket and buy all the chips because he was 'hungry'" Sasuke said, annoyed.

"Well we're all here now, we can go ask big brother for harder missions. These D-rank missions won't even cover ramen." Naruto said.

Ino then smacked her forehead. "I swear this idiot loves ramen more than he loves me." Everyone burst out laughing at this, even Naruto, who decided to tease his girlfriend a bit.

"Well of course, Ramen will never let me down! It is the one thing I can teach our future kids when they grow up! Ramen can give me satisfaction that no other woman can!" Naruto stopped as he felt Ino's death glare on him, basically telling him 'if you don't want to end up in the hospital right now, I suggest you shut the hell up.'

Naruto gulped as he quickly rescinded what he said. "Sorry Ino-chan, I love you more than ramen, and if it proves it to you, I won't eat Ramen until we're done with our mission."

"Good boy Naruto-kun, now let's get our mission from Lord 5th." Ino responded, intertwining fingers with Naruto.

*knock knock*

"You may enter!" Obito called from the Hokage chair.

The Rookie 12 enter the Hokage office and address the Hokage.

"Lord Hokage, we all would like to put in requests for harder missions. Lately we feel like the D-rank missions have all gotten really easy for us to do, and we all think we are ready for harder missions." Mira explained.

"I see. Your success rate with the D-rank missions have been stellar, and I got a chance to view a few of the missions by myself, all of you show exceptional promise as shinobi. However, I cannot just give you harder missions because you ask for it. I will need to discuss this with the jonin leaders in charge. If they feel like you are ready to take it, I have three C-rank missions for all of you." Obito explained.

Izumi, Kurenai, and Asuma then entered the room and began giving their stances.

"If you ask me, I think they have more than proven themselves ready to handle C-rank missions Lord Hokage." Asuma said, still smoking his cigarette. "From what I've seen of my team, their chemistry is off the charts. They work so well of one another that I think they could rival the Legendary Sannin in their primes right now."

"Asuma was overexaggerating with the part about the Sannin, but his point still stands." Kakashi spoke up. "I got to witness team 10 on a few of their missions, they executed them flawlessly, and quite possibly in record time too. If you ask me, I think they're ready, and Team 7 and 8 are too. While not quite as good as team 10, they are still very capable of handling harder missions for now."

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