Chapter 14. Bittersweet memories

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Fandral left the room. He knew Loki was badly, if not mortally injured, and that was quite enough...
- It's so confusing...- he murmured, massaged his head. Indeed it was. The Thor he used to know...? It was a different person. Kind, funny, gentle. Not a perfect big brother but... but the one who never, never ever gave up on Loki... The Thor he used to know would never harm a child. The Thor that he used to know would never insist on the execution of Loki. However this Thor? This Thor hated him. This Thor raped a goddamn kid. This Thor was...
- Fandral! My friend!- that son of a bitch stood in front of him, a wide smile on his face.- When did you come? Did you- is Loki alright? Because I got those weird nightmares, you know. How are you?
- Look, we- we've been friends for centuries and... What has become of you? Y-you insist on a death penalty, for someone you have known your whole life! And then ask if he's alright? Seriously? Thor!
- I've no idea what you are talking about. W-what death penalty? I don't understand, I really don't!
- Ah-huh, sure...- Fandral huffed.- I did not come here to quarrel though.- he said.- I just...- he took a shallow breath.- Why don't we have a walk, uh?
- Sure! I can show you Midgard!- Thor patted the warrior on the back.- The food is just delicious! It is much better than ours. Funny, the technologies are great here, but the medicine is just... Nah! It's nothing, compared to ours. I- have I introduced... Yeah, I think you've met Jane. We could hang out together but... she's with her brother, actually. So maybe next time!- Thor was so excited, just like a child. Fandral did the safe thing: he played along.
- Yeah, I- I asked the permission, to ugh- to come to Midgard... yeah! So, we'll have some fun, huh?

As Thor and Fandral left the Avengers Tower and headed to the park to walk and talk... Tony had to deal with Bruce, who almost turned green twice...
- Punny God hurt! Punny God hurt a lot! He hurt.
- Calm down!- Tony said as Hulk showed up.- We will make things better. It's gonna be okay. Shhh!
- Oh, God, what'd he ever do to deserve it?- Bruce seemed to have calmed a little.- Sewn lips, twenty eight stab wounds, thirty broken bones, including pelvic bones, and broken ribs... and a high risk of septicaemia, and also concision, dehydration, not to mention he's... he's blind, Tony, he'll never see again. It's... it's cruel, it's too damn cruel! I mean, a life sentence would be just fine, if not too much. Heck! Even if they killed Loki, it would have been much more humane and what about the fact he...
- Uh-uh-uh, shh! Shut it! Not now.- Tony glanced at Scott, who literally understood nothing.- C-can we operate, uh?- he asked quietly. Bruce snorted.
- Operate. Him. Just the two of us. Of course, we can't, you stupid...- Bruce closed his eyes.- Tony.- he whispered.- It is not possible, okay? Not at all!
- Okay. And what do you suggest? Leaving him? I doubt it's a humane thing to do, doctor Banner. It is just a surgery, how hard can it be, Bruce, really.
- Hey, we don't even know his... anatomy, what if it's different? What if he has like... two hearts? Or I- I don't know, uh, last time I saw him, he tried...
- Just start right fucking now, or we will lose him!

Jane smiled, as the waitress put the dishes on the table. The man in front of her looked nervous. He glanced over his shoulder, then stared at the door as if waiting for someone else. He was frightened.
- Hey... I'm dating Thor, remember?- Jane said in a hushed voice.- Dumb clueless Thor, not his shit of a brother, who can sense a lie for miles. He will never ever know that we are together, so please...
- We're being watched, I swear someone's spying!

Natasha felt miserable, disgusted by herself. Like, it was none of her business. But then, again, Thor was her friend, she must do it. All the lies should, in the end, be uncovered... Thor deserved a better person. Nat wasn't doing it out of jealousy. Not at all. Thor had a golden heart and she couldn't let a simple whore break it, no, not if she could help it.
- Here we go.- the redheaded put the flash card in her pocket and left the building.- Now... where do we find him, hm?- Natasha murmured to herself.

Thor looked at Fandral with concern in his eyes...
- Look, I wanted to apologise for... for what I did.
- Pardon?- Fandral looked back at the thunderer. Did he just admit that he actually hurt Loki, or...?
- I hurt you, I hurt my brother. I- you have always been into... girls, and then I find out you and Loki were a thing. I tried to put up with it but... you do know what happened next.- Thor sighed.- Sorry...

Natasha frowned. There was... blood on the floor. She took out a gun and, clutching it in her hands, went upstairs. "Jesus Christ, guys, where are y..."
- Oh Jesus!- Scott ran down the stairs.- Holy shit!
- Whoa! Y- who are you? Hey! Where's everyone?
- I'm Scott. Scott Lang. I- I don't know, uh... Tony is definitely not upstairs. Neither is Loki. Oh, nice to meet you, by the way. I'm like your big big fan!
- Wait, you said... did you just say Loki?- Natasha tilted her head to the side. Scott swallowed hard.
- Shit, did I? Look, ahem... I'm just tired and uh...

No matter how hard he tried, Lang didn't manage to change the subject. Thankfully, the Widow was in a great hurry. Something clicked in her mind... Romanoff realised just where the Thunderer was. 

Fandral realised what exactly Thor meant by that and was low-key stunned, and even disappointed. In the end of the day, he needed to know whether Thor really raped Cassy or not, whether it was he, who tortured Loki, or was it Odin? Way too many questions. "I just want to be with Loki!"- Fandral thought, frustrated. "Norns, why is everything so damn hard?". Thor suddenly rose from his seat...
-Ah, Lady Romanoff! I'm thrilled to see you here.
- Thor. I'm sorry to tell you, but...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2022 ⏰

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