Chapter 13. An unwanted guest

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Having agreed to do Scott a favour Tony expected something... different. Money? Maybe... Sex? Uh, he wouldn't mind... They could have a threesome, him, Thor and Scott? Tony hated his mind very... very much. Scott had a daughter, God damn it! "I really have to apologise to Pep!"- he thought. But, still, he expected Scott to request a car, a plane or something of sorts... But he never expected that...
- Look, I'll explain everything.- Scott said quickly.
- Hm?- Tony raised his eyebrow.- Go ahead then?
- Please, please! Just help him! I beg you. Please?
- Help whom? W... Who's... What the... Who's the guy? What... Who needs help?- he was too sleepy, his brain didn't seem to work.- Fuck, it's pouring!
- O thanks God.- Scott said as Tony stepped aside  to let them in.- It's freezing, isn't it?- he chuckled.
- Mhm...- Tony murmured, looking at the hooded man on Scott's right suspiciously.- So. What is it?
- So?- Scott didn't want to beat around the bush.- This is a friend of mine.- he looked at Fandral.- It is a long story but I do owe him one...- Scott said.
- And this,- Fandral said.- Is a friend of mine.- he added; only then did Tony notice that the hooded man was clutching someone wrapped in a bundle of some... fabric close to himself.- He really needs help, he is... he is dying!- Fandral's voice cracked. 
- Take him to the hospital, then?- Tony shrugged.
- We did, but...- Scott looked desperately at Tony.
- He's bleeding.- Fandral said, almost crying.- He is bleeding! Why is he bleeding?- he whimpered.- Loki, please, don't bleed, don't die, don't! Don't...
- Loki?- Tony's blood ran cold. Flashbacks waved over him. Fandral looked up terrified, tears in his eyes.- You come here, ask me for a "small favour" then return with my worst enemy, and expect me to patch him up?- Tony hissed.- You owe me one. 
- Wha, so you'll... help him?- Scott asked, looking pleasantly shocked.- Tony, Tony, thank you, it's...
- Come along.- Stark said, climbing up the stairs.- I'll see what I can do. Jesus.- he rolled his eyes.- I can't believe I'm doing this. Jarvis, tell Thor his...
- No!- Fandral yelled, hurrying after Tony.- Don't tell him.- he begged.- Thor is... not to be trusted!- there was not a hint of lie in his words. Frowning, Tony proceeded to the top of the tower. Scott was hurrying after them. Loki was shaking, violently.- Shh.- Fandral whispered.- Almost there. Hushhh.
- In you go.- Tony led them into a what seemed to be a large room, with a huge operating table right in the middle. It was full of that surgery stuff that Fandral had seen in the hospital, but couldn't tell exactly what it was.- Lay him down... Here.- Tony pointed to the operating table.- Jarvis. Call Bruce Banner!- he said, putting the hospital gown on.- I guess, it is going to be a long-long night, is it not? 
- Mister Banner doesn't pick up the phone, sir!- a loud mechanical voice said. Fandral flinched, but kept silent, focusing on Loki.- Shall I give you the analyses?- Jarvis asked, but Tony shook his head.
- I gotta stop the bleeding first.- he said quietly. A sigh escaped his lips.- Call Banner again. Alright?

They spent two hours clearing Loki's blood away.
And one hour trying to stop the bleeding entirely.
- Done?- Tony smiled, changing his gloves, again. 
- Uh. Mister Stark. Mister Banner is already here.
- Ask him to join me. Now. I've no idea, as to why Thor isn't supposed to know a damn thing about Loki. But he is here so if you are going to keep it a secret... Scott? Be so kind, go downstairs, distract him. As for you?- Tony gazed at Fandral.- Banner is here. You don't have to stay here either. I mean in this room. I... I don't know how hard this, well, surgery is going to be, nor do I know how long it's going to last. Well, you know what I mean. Right?
- Aye.- Fandral said.- But I'll stay. I want to make sure he's alright. I want to stay with him. Please...
- As long as you stay quite. Ok.- Tony sighed.- He might need your support... you can stay with him. And while we are waiting for Bruce,- he struggled to find the right words.- Why don't ya trust Thor?
- He is...- Fandral took a shuddering, deep breath and whispered in Tony's ear.- He raped a child. A girl. Scott's daughter. She... she's 9! I just... Don't think, that I should trust him.- he shook his head. 
- Shit.- Tony sighed heavily.- Sorry, man.- he said in a low voice, looking at Scott sympathetically.- I guess you can stay here. Jarvis, make sure Thor is busy. Find him something to do. A cat on a tree, I don't know... Distract him, for a few hours. As for you?- Tony pointed to Scott.- Having heard, what your friend has just said, the constant nightmares of Thor's, his change in behaviour... I'd better put it in other words. Ahem. Whoever did this to Loki must have been someone that no one would ever, ever suspect, like his own brother, I hate to say it. 
- No, don't want to jump to conclusions, certainly not when Loki is...- Fandral trailed off. He didn't, couldn't, shouldn't say "dying".- In such a state...

Bruce came in after half an hour, still half-asleep.
- Tony?- he murmured.- You wanted... to see me?
- Bruce. Let's say. Ugh. Would you... Would you...
- 3 in the morning, stop beating around the bush!
- You're a doctor and... a dear friend of mine. And ugh... remember the guy we fought in 2012, huh?
- Uh, yeah? Loki!- Bruce nodded.- Isn't he in jail?
- He is dying!- Fandral's voice cracked.- Please...- tears ran down his face as Loki convulsed in pain.
- Why do you... Oh Jesus, what happened to him?
- Later.- Tony said, took the syringe.- Hold him...
- Shhh, there-there-there.- Fandral whispered, as he clutched Loki to himself.- Shhhh. Calm down!
- There you go.- Tony said.- Doesn't hurt, does it?
- I... can't believe that it's Loki.- Bruce whispered.
- Uh. Jarvis.- Tony sighed.- Analyses. Full report!

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