Chapter 10. I'm here

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- Come on...- Fandral whispered, eyes filled with tears. Loki moaned. His eyes rolled back.- No, no, no!- he yelled, clutching Loki to his chest.- Don't! Don't close your eyes!- he said, carefully opening the door with one hand, holding Loki tightly with his other hand.- Listen... Listen to my voice, Loki. Loki...- he lay Loki down on a sofa, kissed him on the temple. Loki was shivering.- Are you cold, my love?- Fandral asked.- It's okay. It's alright, Loki! Just... Hold on, sweetheart, the help is on its way. Don't die on me.- his lips quivered.- Please, Loki!
Don't.- tears ran down his cheeks. The phone. All he needed was the phone! If only he knew how to use it... Hands shaking, he dialled Scott's number and sat down, buried his fingers in Loki's hair.- It is... Scott, it's me, Fandral. I... I was right. Loki...- he took a shuddering breath, holding back a sob.- He... He's dying. Call far help. Please, Scott, call...
- Alright...- Scott said.- I've called the ambulance.
- Hear it, bunny? It'll be Ok.- Fandral murmured.
                      Several hours ago.
Fandral closed his eyes... He felt sick. Something was stirring inside him. A sort of... Premonition?
- Scott... I can't wait any longer.- he said, getting up.- Something is wrong. Loki is in danger. I can feel it. I don't... I just really need to check on him.
- Alright.- Scott patted Fandral on the shoulder.- I will be at work... Call me if something happens.
                     Asgard. Two hours later.
The dungeons were cold and... Creepy. Fandral's torch flickered in the cold, dusty air. Wasn't Loki supposed to be in a comfy "luxury" cell? Strange.
There it was... The only cell that Fandral had yet to check. He gulped. What if he was late? What if Loki was dead... What if Loki... Fandral cringed.
"So... this is where my story ends. In a filthy cell, full of dust and blood"- Loki thought bitterly. "So this is... this is how my story ends, for here I am, Loki, the rightful heir to the Jotunheim, de-u-re - the prince of Asgard... de-facto a worthless piece of shit, laying on the floor naked, raped... dying" Loki wanted to cry but there were no more tears left. He wanted to scream, but his lips were sewn shut. He needed Fandral but Fandral didn't need him. "So... This is where my miserable life ends!"
- Loki!- Fandral yelled.- Oh damn!- he breathed, dropped to his knees next to the trickster.- Loki!-
his voice cracked. He reached out with trembling hand and rest it lightly on Loki's chest.- C'me on, Loki!- Fandral begged, pulled Loki's upper body to his lap.- Come on, honey, say something, hey.- he whispered. Loki's face was covered in blood...
Fandral sobbed, murmured something under his breath.- I'm sorry.- he whispered.- Sweetheart, I shouldn't have... Loki! I'll take you to the healers.
I will get you out of here, I swear.- Fandral said.
"Fandral?" Loki's heart sank. Was it Fandral? It had to be... Loki's lips split into a wide smile. His face was a bloody mess.- Fuck!- Fandral felt like throwing up.- Your lips!- he breathed.- Dammit, Lo!- Fandral gritted his teeth. He knew that Loki was a goner. He had one foot in the grave. Blood covered his whole body, he could barely breathe. Biffrost would be too dangerous, he couldn't just magically "teleport" them to Midgard. Could he?
- The time has come...- Laufey's voice made Odin shudder. A girl, a very young one, no older than two or... three hundred years old, if not younger, blushed, covered herself with the blanket. Laufey  rolled his eyes.- Bastard.- he murmured, spat on the floor.- Odin... I'm getting my son out of here!
- Mhmm. Good luck finding him!- Odin chuckled.
- If you touched Loki...- he hissed.- You're fucked.
Fandral ran down the corridor, heart sinking. It felt so wrong, leaving Loki... He had never felt so scared! Never! "What if he died there?" - Fandral thought, terrified. Lost in his thoughts he literally bumped into someone. No... bumped into Laufey.
- Whoa. Watcha step, boy.- the Jotun said calmly. 
- Sorry.- Fandral stuttered.- Your... Loki is dying!
When he came back, the Trickster was still alive.
- Loki?- he whispered.- I will get you out of here!
Fandral squeezed Loki's hand, and kissed him on the temple. "The help is on its way. The help is..."
- I am Ashley Green...- the eyes of a young worker of ambulance went wide.- W-what the fuck, man?
- Scott.- Fandral sobbed.- Scott, I'm in a hospital! They... They took Loki somewhere and they don't let me in...- he whispered.- They don't let me in...
- Calm down, mate, calm down. They won't harm Loki.- Scott assured.- Look I'll... I will come asap.
- Doctor Strange?- the girl said.- Another patient!
- Good!- Stephen smiled.- What do we have here?
- Hey... Remember when I told you, that the most unpredictable, the strangest patient was that boy, who had a chair leg in his anus? Forget it. This is the weirdest case in my goddamn life!- he said, as he put his gloves on.- The more interesting it is...

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