Chapter 7. A new deal

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- Laufey...- Odin called out.- We... We don't really need a war, do we?- he said. Laufey, who was just about to leave, turned around, a smile on his lips.
- So...- Laufey muttered, intrigued.- I'm listening.
Loki sat in his room. Alone. Lost. Scared. Fandral had left him for good. Or had he? Why did Laufey come? Did he come? Or was it a... Hallucination?
- Damn.- Loki whispered.- Damn you, Fandral.- a single tear rolled down his cheek. But then again, was it that bad that Fandral didn't show up? Loki closed his eyes. He imagined it... The beheading...
Loki swallowed hard. He was desperately trying to think of something else. Anything else. He was frightened. Terrified. He hoped the blade was, at least, sharp. He hoped that he would die quickly.
- S-Stop this madness!- Fandral gritted his teeth.
Loki looked up.- You c-can't... Loki... Spare Loki!
- Fandral?- Loki whispered. He didn't know if he should sob or smile.- It's alright, Fan, it's alright.
- No.- Fandral breathed. Within seconds, he took a sharp dagger out, stabbed the guards and ran.
- Fool!- Loki winced, shaking his head, watching the guards force Fandral on his knees.- Fandral, let me go.- he whispered.- You have to let me go!
- No! Never!- Fandral said. He jerked, desperate to save his lover. Loki shook his head again. The headsman swung the sword.- No... Nooooo! No!- Fandral sobbed.- Noooo!- he choked on his tears.
- Damn...- Loki cringed. He wouldn't bear to hear Fandral calling his name. He wouldn't bear to see his tears. His hysteria. In a way, Loki was glad his lover... his ex (?) lover would miss his execution...
The Jotun sighed heavily, obviously not satisfied.
- You make my son your slave and expect me to...
- My... Your son must be punished for his crimes.
- Loki is the rightful heir to the Jotunhiem! Not a slave!- his voice was calm and it frightened Odin.
- Let's... Ugh... Ahem... New deal, new deal, ugh...
Loki feared that Laufey's appearance would make things worse. If they could be worse... Why would he come in the first place? Why, why did he care?
- Dad?- Loki breathed as he heard the door open. Funny, he didn't even know who he was referring to. Odin, or Laufey? Never mind. Neither of them came in. Instead, it was...- Brother?- Loki gasped.
"Something is... Wrong."- Loki thought, terrified.
- Hello, brother...- Thor said, bit his lips to hide a wide, despicable smirk. It scared Loki even more.
"Nonsense"- Loki thought nervously. "Thor is my brother. It's not like he's going to hurt me, right? Right?" he gulped. "Although, I wouldn't be sure"
Something was off. Maybe... oh fuck! Loki's blood ran cold. Thor's eyes... Gods, was that even Thor?
- Ugh,- Loki cleared his throat.- You... You're still mad at me, aren't you?- he asked, voice cracking.
- No.- Thor shook his head.- Vice versa, brother. I managed to persuade Father! He commuted your sentence, but you are to be punished nonetheless.
- Punished.- Loki repeated, frowning. Thor took a needle out of his pocket and...- What are you do...
- The silver-tongued devil... Shall never lie again.

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