First World (Part 1)

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Chapter 1: The scumbag system, Protagonist and Me

After the system successfully scam the naive Zhi Xie, poor Bao Min followed him on his first world.

A lone figure slept peacefully in a silent room. Scattered clothes and old magazine littered the fully white floor whilst the dimly lit room was filled with a faint smell of burnt cigar.Faded photos decorate the walls while an untented bread becomes cold in the table.Completely baren of any furnitures except for a wooden bed, empty cabinet and an antique table.

A broken shade hangs on a lonesome ceiling, giving a solemn yet messy image.

Silent sighs could be heard from the sleeping person.


A slow, repeated knocks could be heard from the door, alerting the sleeping figure.

Two heavy lidded eyes opened.Staring unto an empty ceiling. The bed creaks, his body forming a hollow marking on the bed.

Finally, Bao Min is wide awake.

Argh!!!!!!Honestly that damn shitty system definitely does shady business!!!

What is this, buy 1 take 1?! Monkey businessman!!!I mean he doesn't even need me.Then why drag me over?

Oh, by the way, this is me Bao Min.Your main guy!Not the MC, cause that was naive Zhi Xie.I am just your regular mob guy.

So its like this.The reason why it looks like this damn intro lacks a lot of explaining cause it was done by the mc supposedly and since I'm just your average day to day joe, so I skipped that part.Also, I'm liking my room setting, though I wonder why its about my room and just casually skip my appearance. Now its vague.

Also, it seems that I wasn't given a name despite me having quite an elaborate room. Doesn't makes sense.

My name is Bao Min in my last life but now please call me gardener no.2
Yes. Since my long sleeves, a jumpsuit and an old hat clearly states that. Fuckin system doesn't even talk to me right now.

I feel like I'm wearing one of those weird clothes that got bought on a whim and got forgotten on the cabinet for a long time.

Anyway, since I'm a mob character, its only natural that I'd do my job. Silently showing up on scenes, being ignored and becoming one with the background.Such is the life of a true extra.

After washing his face, Bao Min finally prepared his self in order to fulfill his role as an extra.

In the Sullivan Mansion, an uniquely designed mansion stood at the center, with beatiful ingravings resembling that of an old british castles. Marble statues of a knight and a gorgon stood side by side near the entrance whilst a large black gate seperates the mansion from the large expanse of grassy lands. Large pillars with golden linings supports the whole building, creating a noble vibe.

Group of maids doing their early rounds and chores walks to and fro inside the vicinity.While the workers starts their daily activity.

A large garden could be seen beside the mansion. Long lines of red and white roses, followed by a myriad colored tulips give it a vibrat yet elegant scenery. Bushes of unknown plants covered the rest of area while butterflies of different variety flies around the whole garden.

A man with a pale skin and an indistinctive face crouches below the roses canopy, seemingly ocupied. A slow snap,snap could be heard. Above him was the morning rays of sunlight, slightly burning his complexion.

Such a fine, peaceful morning was broken by an agonizing howl.

"No, this can't be me!!" A young boy's cries could be heard from a nearby bedroom. Alarmed sounds of maids followed after."Young master,are you okay?", a worried young maid attended the confused youth. Looking at the room through the windows, the whole scenario can be seen even from the garden; Bao Min showed a satisfied and mean smile.

Oh, it looks like our dear mc is awake. So how was it? How is your first "I wake up in a strange world after getting stab cliche'"?

With large strides, Bao Min approach the window, seemingly interested in Zhi Xie's misfortune.

"Young master, are you alright?"the young maid inquired again, this time placing her slender hand on the youth's forehead. "No.I'm fine.Must be a nightmare", Zhi Xie dismiss her, opting on adjusting in his new environment.

BTW. Since the mc is too lazy to explain. I'll make a recap. Our mc here Zhi Xie transmigrated in the body of a young boy named Alec Sullivan. The youngest of the Sullivan family, a clan of knights. In this world of fantasy probably taken up from some otome game, Alec is a canon fodder destined to die a tragic death. He was the black sheep of the family,a true black-hearted and green headed man. Everyday he goes into town to find troubles with the protagonist and harrass beauties all day. This continued until the belated protagonist faces him in their coming of age ceremony. After being thoroughly humiliated and defeated by the protagonist, he ran amok and was imprisoned by the royal guards. End of story. He he he.

It seems that he was binded by a Cannon fodder system, a third-tier scammy system designed to propagate canon fodders in order to become stepping stones for the protagonist.Oh and in case you ask why I know this despite the system ignoring me?It's because I could hear them. Both the mc and his system's conversation. However, they could not hear me at all. Its like a one way communication. Honestly it was quite sad. Mobs also needs attentions.

Zhi Xie prompty fixes his attitude and prepared to take his role seriously. After being scammed by the system, telling him that if he did well, he'll rebirth back unto our old world.

"Anya, can you please help me fix my clothes", Zhie Xie looks up the young maid, pointing at his messy appearance. Anya happily agreed, prepping up the young master. A lacy white blouse was worn fitted by a black shorts. Knee socks perfectly covered his slendered legs. After looking at the mirror, Zhi Xie was satisfied with his immaculate appearance.

Meanwhile, Bao Min was contemplating over the obvious bias here. He was only said to have an average build with a vague face. Pure discrimination. As he thought, mobs also needs some love.


Waking up at 2:00 a.m. and writing this instead of sleeping.....what a life I have...

*Note to self....just continue sleeping.........

This would alter from 1st pov, to 2nd and 3rd pov......

A meta comedy.....

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