A screen appears behind the pair, on the screen appears Batman, "team mission briefing in ten, suit up," as everyone turns to go change into their respective costumes, Katrina remains behind lingering, "You too, Katrina," he gruffly speaks, she nods walking off. Katrina had not won her suit since the night she was found, but she did manage to clean it, and keep it in the back of, her closet. Magically, she transfers the armour on to her body.

Giving a little twirl in the mirror, she floats to the cave, she gently places her feet on the ground, joining the rest of the team members, Robin shooting a small smile her way, when he sees her

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Giving a little twirl in the mirror, she floats to the cave, she gently places her feet on the ground, joining the rest of the team members, Robin shooting a small smile her way, when he sees her. Recognize Batman 0-2, the zeta tube glows as the man dressed in black walks through, pulling up a screen he shows a map of Qurac, "earlier today, Queen Bee proclaimed, the bombing of several Quraci towns, your mission is to fly into Qurac and covertly disable the bombs, they are set to detonate at midnight the blast has a 10 mile destruction path, the bombs are in the town centres. No unnecessary detours or sacrifices, dismissed," the dark knight briefs and walks off. 


22:30 P.M.

The bio ship flies over the desert, the team were split into groups of three, Superboy, Miss Martian and Zatanna, then Kid Flash, Aqualad and Artemis and lastly Robin and Katrina now Emerald, as the last team. "Drop Zone A in two minutes," Miss Martian announces, "Switching to stealth mode," she says, as the bio ship camouflages to the night sky. The first team deploys, letting Artemis take over the steering, "Drop zone B in 5 minutes," Artemis announces, then the second team deploys. Finally, Robin and Emerald are left in the ship, flying to the final town, "Nervous?" he asks her, "Strangely no, despite it being my first superhero mission," she tells him. "Well, I'm sure you'll get the hang of it pretty quickly," he assures her. "Thank you, Robin," she says, as they reach the drop zone Emerald quickly changes her suit to stealth mode, just a much darker green.

As the pair drop down, Robin flips and lands perfectly, and Emerald land gently next to him, se looks at him before her eyes gently glow, I figured a mind link between us is much safer, her voice echoes in his head, cool, okay there are guard posted here, here and here, you distract them and I'll disable the bomb, Em, be careful, these are Queen Bee's minions they are highly skilled, he instructs her. She nods, gently floating up and towards the town hall, perched upon a roof, she watches as the guard walk the perimeter, then she controls them using her magic, I gave you a brief window to enter unnoticed, do it quickly, I cannot hold it for long, she informs the boy wonder.

The mind control could not be held for long, but as soon as the guards were in a daze, Robin swiftly passed by them, immediately going to disable the cameras and sensors with his wrist computer. Em, sensors, and cameras are down, I am going in, keep an eye and if you must, subdue the guards, do it. He psychically tells her. Be careful Robin, she warns. Always, then he disappears into the building. 

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