Chapter 4

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Miles had decided to go on patrol the next day, while Peter and Mera thought it would be best to go and warn Harry and MJ of what they have discovered. The whole time on the way to MJ's though, Mera struggled to keep her eyes open. She was feeling very drowsy and it showed as they knocked on MJ's door.

"Mera, do you need to go home?" Peter asked.

"I'll be fine." Mera said, with as much determination as she could.

"You're swaying on the spot." Peter remarked. "Did you get enough sleep last night?"

Mera was tempted to say yes. But her actions would prove otherwise. Besides, who was she kidding? She couldn't get past Peter with lies.

"No." she said. "Woke up this morning, and didn't go back to sleep."

"Didn't? Or Wouldn't?" Peter asked. "Did you have another nightmare?" Mera's silence answered for her. "We gotta get you into a less stressful routine."

"You think it's stress that's causing this?" Mera asked.

"Well it does have a lot to do with nightmares a lot of the times. And considering the panic that crystal had put in you when you first saw those visions, the constant worrying about patrolling crime in the city, checking up on Atlantis, trying to uncover the Roxxon and Rhino situation, AND trying to plan for our wedding-" Peter ranted.

"Alright, alright, I get your point." Mera said, rolling her eyes. "I'm stressed out."

"Well let's change that." Peter said with a cheerful expression, just before knocking the door to MJ's apartment.

"Hey guys." MJ said opening the door. She then got a good look of Mera and her face turned more serious. "Mera, you look drowsy." she commented.

"I am." Mera said, walking into the apartment and sitting on the couch"Rather not talk about that."

"Hey guys." Harry said from the kitchen area. "Finishing up the biscuits right now. Will be there in a sec."

"Oh, cool! Haven't had those in forever!" Peter said, rubbing his hands together and sitting next to his fiance, who was already starting to fall asleep.

"Has she been getting enough sleep?" MJ asked, motioning to Mera.

"Unfortunately no. She's been so stressed out with everything and it's causing nightmares to appear. And she refuses to go back to sleep as a result." Peter said. 

MJ sighed as she glanced at the sleeping Mera again. "Poor girl. First the nightmare of an apocalyptic future, now her mental and physical health being at risk."

"I told her we're gonna make a less stressful environment for her from her on out." Peter said.

"Um, Pete?" Harry said, coming in with a plate full of biscuits and placing them onto the center table. "Your time as Spider-Man may stand in the way of that goal."

"I didn't say completely stress-free. I said less stressful. I can't get rid of everything, but I know I can mediate the levels." Peter said.

"Well you get to that as soon as you can. Don't know how much more she can take." MJ said, glancing at Mera once more. "But anyways, what is it you wanted to talk to us about?"

"Oh yeah!" Peter said, suddenly remembering the whole reason why they came here to begin with. "So I think that there is yet another  Spider-Man roaming New York."

"Wait, what?!" Harry asked, nearly choking on a biscuit. MJ put on a shocked expression, but said nothing as Peter continued.

"Yeah......but this one I'm afraid is not a friendly. Miles was on patrol yesterday and he saw two crooks being hung from web lines. And it seemed as if one of them had burn marks on their face. Whoever this new Spider-Man is.......he clearly has different methods of crime fighting than I do." Peter said.

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