Feeling Watched

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Dream's P.O.V

"I'm going out!" I called out as I prepare to do my daily AU hopping "OKAY DREAM, BE SAFE." Blue response from the kitchen "I will." I said as I exit the base. Just when I was about to create an AU portal, I felt the same unpleasant shiver down my spine when I was in BirdTale, only this time, it was 4x worse then before. I quickly look behind me in a small fighting stance as I couldn't help but feel alerted all of a sudden.

I stood there for a bit, scanning my surroundings and my staff on standby, only to find 'nothing'. I gave out a frown, as the unnerving feeling wouldn't go away as I hesitantly lower my guard 'Weird, just like last time, I can't sense, hear, or see anything. Yet I can't help but get this feeling of being WATCHED.' I thought as I stood there out in the open for a bit to see if I could get any clues on why my senses were going off, only to find, once again, 'nothing' there.

"Mabye, I'm just being paranoid." I mumble in uncertainty as I created the AU portal and step through after getting one last look on my surroundings. I then proceeded to spent the rest of the day AU hopping and spreading as much positivity as I can around the multiverse. However, for some odd reason, no matter what AU I jumped into, I can never fully shake the feeling of being constantly watched. Yet when I do checked if I was being followed, NO ONE IS THERE.

"Jeez, what is up with me today?" I said with a sigh as I shook my head in distress "Are you okay Dream?" A female bunny monster ask me worryingly "Oh! I'm alright, thank you for asking." I said with my usual bright smile "Oh! Your welcome." She said with a hint of blush. My smile falters a bit when I saw her blush, knowing she only felt like that because of my aura, but I quickly brought it back up before she noticed.

The day quickly ends as I decided to take a break and went to my favorite spot in the whole AU's, a spot on top of a cliff in NatureTale (Picture above). The sun was setting as I felt the cold yet fresh air softly blow against my skull, the grass was soft and gentle, as I slowly swing my legs back and forth at the edge of the cliff, my eyes got lost to the beautiful scenery as the sunset brought beauty to those that can't be seen in the night nor day.

I took a long deep breath, filling my nonexistent lungs with fresh cold air, as I slowly let all the stress I've gain from today, slowly recede from my tense soul, as I let myself just this once be vulnerable to all. All of a sudden, I heard a twig snapped from behind me, I jumped in suprise and quickly stood up. However, I accidentally lost my footing in the process and found myself falling to my doom.

'Shit!' I thought in panick as I close my eyes, accepting my fate, when all of a sudden, I felt something catch me. I slowly open my eyes only to see a thousand blue strings that were wrapped around me like a coccoon. 'What the?' I thought in shock as the strings brought me back to the top of the cliff and carefully put me down before retreating back to where they came from. "J33z3, @r3 ¥0u @ll₩@¥$ +h1$ r3ckl3$$? 0r 1$ 1+ 0nl¥ ₩h3n ¥0ur @l0n3?" A familier glitch voice ask me "Error?" I question, slightly suprise.

"+h3 0n3 @nd b0n3l¥, @n93l." Error says with a smirk as he steps outside the shadow's of the trees "When did you get here?" I ask him nervously, debating whether or not to summon my staff 'Wait....did he just call me angel?' I thought, slightly confused "1 ju$+ d3c1d3d +0 $+0p b¥ 1n +h1$ @U +0 $33 +h3 $un$3+ ₩h3n 1 $@₩ ¥0u $1++1n9 0n +h3 3d93 0f +h3 cl1ff." Error said calmly with a shrug as he casually sat right next to my usual spot.

I stared at him for a bit, debating whether or not if I should sit right next to him, when he gave me a side glance "₩3ll? @r3 ¥0u 901n9 +0 $1+ d0₩n 0r n0+?" Error asks me, almost impatiently. I stood there awkwardly a little bit longer, before I sighed in defeat and in the end, decided to sit right next to him. We sat there for a bit of in an awkward silence when I suddenly felt his hand touching mine.

I gave him a side glance as he continues to stare at the now night sky that was filled to the brink with stars. Making no attempts to remove his hand "I should get going." I said as I swiftly remove my hand and stood up to leave to the Star Base "@r3 ¥0u $ur3 ¥0u c@n'+ $+@¥ h3r3 @ l1++l3 l0n93r?" He asks as he quickly grabs my wrist "Sorry Error, but I've got to get going." I said apologetically, Error made no move to let go and instead tighten his hold against my wrist.

"U-um, Error?" I question him, snapping him out whatever trance he was in "0-0h, $0rr¥." He says as he reluctantly losens his grip, allowing me to escape. "Thanks." I said as he nodded in return, we stayed in an awkward silence before I gave out in inwardly sigh and summoned my staff. "If you want..." I started, with slight hesitance as he snapped his attention towards me. "We could meet up here whenever we're both available and hang out together?" I suggested, as a small smile graced Errors face.

"1 ₩0uld l1k3 +h@+ @l0+." He said as I gave off my gentle smile "Great! I hope I see you soon then," I said happily as I created the portal and left the AU.

Third Person P.O.V

As Dream exits the AU, Error looks back at the stars, his soul pulsing with excitement, a wide grin on his face, along with some blush that dusted his cheeks "$33 ¥0u $00n...."

"M¥ @n93l~"



"Jeeze, are tou always this reckless? Or is it only when your alone?"

"The one and bonely, angel."

"I just decided to stop by in this AU to see the sunset when I saw you sitting on the edge of the cliff."

"Well? Are you going to sit down or not?"

"Are you sure you can't stay here a little longer?"

"O-oh, sorry."

"I would like that alot."

"See you soon...."

"My angel~"

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