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You blinked as you felt wind continuously blow and for a second you thought you seemed weightless........ Until you tried to turn over in bed and came to the startling realization that you were falling.

Your eyes opened immediately as you flipped yourself and were met with a sight that stole your breath. A beautiful land covered mostly in grass and the lake that was situated close to a huge tree made you gasp in surprise.

The way the moonlight touched the water made it seem like it was mystically glowing. This place was beautiful, but what kind of dream would look so real that it seemed like you weren't dreaming?

There was only one way to find out, so you closed your eyes and repositioned yourself with your back to the ground as you braced for impact.

“This is the most stupid thing I have ever done in my entire life. Let's hope it gives me wonderful results”

You sighed and continued to enjoy the breeze until you heard what sounded like a bowstring being snapped thrice. Your eyes widened and you twisted yourself so you could see where the sound came from and instead of seeing a person, you were met with three green blobs with wings exploding.

Wings?? That sounds an awful lot like....

You shook your head as you told yourself that it wasn't possible. A gentle breeze stopping your speedy descent as you were several feet to the ground, so you let the breeze lift you until it stopped, your knee and palms catching you on the dewy grass.

You couldn't remember when last you were actually in contact with nature when it was just you, especially since COVID-19. You sat on one of the rocks by the roots of the giant tree and that was when you saw it.

A strange red flower that seemed to keep spinning gently in the night breeze “Is that what I think it is....?” You blinked as you got to your feet and raced to the flowerbed, your hands covering your mouth as you realized that it was exactly what you thought it was.

It was a windwheel Aster. You raised your hands to your hair and pulled as you stepped back, a laugh leaving your lips “That's not possible..... How did I end up here???? I couldn't have just fallen into Teyvat! Especially not Mondstadt! Wait..... This is probably just a dream and I'm due to wake up anytime now. Yeah, I'll wake up right now. Right now........ Anytime now”

You shut your eyes as you stood, waiting for consciousness to return, but it didn't even after almost 20 minutes, so you sighed “I know I said I loved Genshin, but God, please don't do this to me! I have to submit my college application in a month! I can't miss classes!”

You walked over to the statue of the seven and looked up at the Archon holding the globe “Maybe I can get answers on how this happened....... But where on earth does someone find Venti on a night like this?”

Then it hit you..... The Angel's share!

“He's definitely going to be drinking away his leftover life force. That idiot.....” You turned around and shrieked when you came face to face with a hillichurl. In a bid to stop it, you raised both your arms and waved them at the monster, stepping back, but what happened next came as a total shock.

You had applied Cryo to the hillichurl's status and the damage you did took a solid 4k off it's hit points. You blinked and stared at your hands, wondering how it was possible before you decided to try it again but with more flair this time.

You did a small spin and lifted both your arms then threw one out to the hillichurl, this time doing Electro damage “What the fu-” a rock hit your shoulder and you gave the hillichurl a death glare before you were seen by a mysterious figure in the tree above you dragging the hillichurl by it's leg to the pond for it to die from electro-charged.

You picked up the stained mask the hillichurl dropped and put it away in your bag. You were about to leave before you remembered the windwheel asters. There was somebody who would be in dire need of these materials in order to raise his level and you knew he was one unlucky fellow.

Just before you picked the flowers you noticed a book floating several inches in front of you, so you grabbed it and shut it, looking at the cover and almost fangirling as you realized why and how you did so much damage.

“OMFG! ITS THE WIDSITH!!!!! Crit DMG go brrrr!” (somebody help, I can't stop saying this every time I use Yanfei 😭)

You placed the flowers you picked in your bag before climbing the tree to try and get some rest in one of the branches. You decided you would head to Mondstadt in the morning, so you made yourself as comfortable as you could, trying to fit yourself to the tree the best you could without fear of falling off it.

As soon as you went to sleep, the figure in a teal cape slid down to the branch you were on before smiling at how quickly you had adjusted to your environment.

“Well, Teyvat seems to be your cup of tea, (Name). I hope you enjoy your stay here if you decide to stay, that is...... Sleep well and may the song on the wind protect you till the sun peeks over the clouds and day breaks. Till we meet again in your journey across the nations for answers to this predicament”

A gentle breeze brushed stray strands of hair away from your face as you subconsciously tightened your limbs around the tree branch, your eyes catching sight of a lyre before you blinked and smiled slightly, going back to sleep “what a short, strange dream”

Archons Blessing On This Beautiful Teyvat! (Genshin Impact X Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now