Chapter 24: The Provocation

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"We are to depart in a few minutes. Make sure that you have everything you need." someone from the Military Police announced.

The day of the departure finally arrived. Everyone was busy preparing for the trip. They'll be riding their horses for transportation.  There are 17 representatives from the Scouts, and 20 for both the Military Police and Garrison Regiment who would accompany the King. The King's party is composed of 10 people and the 2nd Division from the Order of the Knights are 30 people. They are definitely a large group.

"This is gonna be exciting!" Sasha said as she jumps up and down.

"Hey can you keep your mouth shut! Your voice is way too loud for goodness sake!" Jean reprimanded her.

"Stop being a party pooper Jean. I know you're excited as well." Connie said.

They kept on talking about what they expect to see at the Aelius Empire.

"They're really excited, aren't they?" Eren said.

"Who wouldn't be? The way the instructor talked about the Aelius Empire is enticing." Armin answered.

"So we're really going back huh?" Eren said as he looks at the sky.

"Yes. I don't know what lies ahead, but just as you said we'll be together right?" says Armin.

They looked at each other as they nodded in agreement.

"Attention! Make sure that all of you are in formation at all times. Our journey towards the Great Empire of Aelius will now begin." the voice sounded familiar.

The one who spoke was none other than Sir Michael, it was the first time they saw him after the announcement he made. Can't he recognize them? It's not like they want him to recognize them, its just impossible not to. Especially after all the commotion they did.

From time to time they made multiple stops. All they do during that time is eat, sleep and rest. There were times when they were briefed on what the next terrain would be, what to be cautious of etc.

Then one night, while they were all resting Eren, Armin and Mikasa were tasked to keep watch. They were surprised when someone suddenly approached them. Mikasa quickly stood in front of the two as she prepared to draw her own sword, but was stopped with a voice saying,

"It's good to see you too."

The person's face became clearer as he stepped outside of the darkness, his face illuminated by the moonlight.

"You're still protective as ever aren't you?"

"It's Sir Michael!" They all thought.

"What do you want?" Mikasa said in a low voice.

"Is that how you speak to your superior?" Sir Michael said, his face still void of any emotion. The tone of his voice as bored as ever.

"What is your purpose for approaching us, Sir?" Mikasa replied sarcastically.

Sir Michael looked at them for a few seconds before answering,

"Nothing in particular. Just saw a couple of familiar looking faces, came to say hi." He replied. "So you joined the military huh? Well, I guess its befitting, I heard you create quite the commotion back then." He added, though his voice remained bored.

Mikasa's eyes gazed fiercely at him.

"Stop looking at me like that. Or else I might kill you."

They were shocked at his words. Mikasa was about to lunge at him but he spoke again,

"I was kidding. You better not do what you're thinking of. Don't you wanna know what happened after you left?"

The trio looked at him. The Sir Michael they remember is not much of a talker, he didn't bother talking to them before. What does he want?

"Would you tell us if we ask, Sir?" Armin said.

"No." He said flatly.

This guy is simply toying with them.

"It's much better if you hear it from them. That is if they're willing to talk about that. All I can say is, I pity them. Especially, him." Sir Michael added, his eyes never leaving Mikasa.

The two stared at each other for a few more moments before Sir Michael said,

"You better get some sleep. You'll need it." He told them as he began to walk way.

The trio looked at the where Sir Michael stood a few moments ago.

"What the hell?!" Eren said.

"I wonder what's his purpose for saying those things." says Armin.

"He's simply provoking us. Must be that Wolf bastards idea." Mikasa angrily said.

"You're not talking about Duke Heroux, aren't you?" Armin nervously said.

"There is no other explanation for that, that guy must have ordered him to do that. I should have at least stabbed him" Mikasa said.

"Come on, let's all calm down shall we? What you said was clearly right, and the reason for provoking us is simple. To make us do something stupid. They clearly doesn't want any peaceful relationship with Eldians. Remember? Duke Heroux clearly despised us." Armin said as he tries to calm Mikasa down.

"First of all, I am extremely calm." Mikasa said with an expression that clearly says she's not.

Armin gulped. Next to him another angry person stands. Scratch that, this guy is always angry to begin with.

"Why do people hate us so much? Its not like we asked for all this?!" Eren said almost shouting.

"Eren keep your voice down! Right now we can't do anything. We definitely outnumbered them, but fighting against them will result in a much larger risk for us since the King is with us. Our time to keep watch is almost up. Now both of you should calm yourself and then we'll think of something. Okay?" Armin said.

The other two nodded as they try to calm their nerves.

Mikasa was extremely bothered with what Sir Michael said.

"...don't you wanna know what happened after you left?"

"...I pity them. Especially, him."

But she knows there is no use thinking of it, she just have to wait for the time where she can ask Ethan. Right, she can just ask him when they meet again.

He'll definitely answer her, wouldn't he?

The Empire's Sun (Attack on Titan Royal AU) |HIATUS|Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu