Chapter 12

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June was gone by the time I woke up. I found a note that states that he was going to be busy down at the gym with a few guys and that Taeho was going to spend the day training me today. A rush of disappointment came over me at that, but I brush it off. I freshened up and headed down to the kitchen to eat breakfast when I found Taeho already sitting at the end of the table and eating. His eyes lit up when he saw me.

"There you are!"

I sit down in the chair to his right and chuckle. "When did you get here?"

"An hour ago. I checked your room and you weren't in there. So I came down here to wait for you." He eyes me. "Where were you?"

Something about the way he was staring at me, told me he already knew but wanted to hear it from me.

"I slept in June's room." I admit.

"I'm not against this, but I am telling you right now, stop while you still can." I'm taken aback by his words. "Boss will never approve of this."

"There is no 'this'. I simply stayed by his side because of the storm." I blatantly lied to his face.

"Isla, I walked into his room this morning. I know what I saw." His voice was stern yet calm.

"I don't know what you saw, Taeho. But I certainly know the line between the two of us." I snap back. There is no certainty that there is even an 'us' just yet or ever.

He doesn't argue and continues to finish his breakfast as he says,

"Your father wants to meet with us after breakfast."


My father laid low in a cottage out in the literal woods, so hidden you'd never have guessed that a mafia drug lord would be staying at such a place.

"You pulled a dangerous move for your first time. Don't ever do that again. Mamoru is not an easy client to do business with. He is the only client I know that has no ties with Choi Sehoon and you nearly blew it." He harshly snaps at me.

I keep my head hung low. "I'm sorry. The things he was saying-"

"To be in this game, you toughen up and don't let the words of petty men get to you. How do you think your mother got so far? She is the toughest person I know." He cuts me off.

So you want me to be like her? Neglectful?

"I won't make that mistake again." I apologize once more.

He tosses a yellow envelope onto the table and Taeho picks it up, holding it to his sides without opening it.

"Kim Junu. Take care of him tonight."

He waves us off and we take our leave. My heart is suddenly heavy at how different my father and I's relationship is now. The way he talks to me was as if I really truly was simply just someone under him. While Taeho is going through the envelope, I begin towards the stairs and out to the car without waiting for him.


Night has fallen and the setting for tonight was at a nightclub. We weren't attending to enjoy ourselves, rather get in, get out.

"Are you nervous?" Taeho asks.

"Now that you asked, I am." I responded.

He takes a deep breath. "You don't have to go in. Just stay in the car. June and I will get it done then we are out of there. I'll just tell-"

"If I'm going to survive in this, I must play the part until the end. I even got the symbol tattooed on my skin. There is no going back from here." I was determined to go through with tonight whether I made it out or not.


"Just...go." His words weren't making me feel any better.

We arrived shortly as June shot us a message that he was waiting in the alley behind the club. We park down further from the club to avoid getting our car on any CCTV's and walk to where June was. He was dressed in all black, like a shadow in the dark. Taeho whistles and he looks up at us, waving us over. Silently, we walk over to him.

"We have about 10 minute max." June explains. "There's a ladder that leads up to his private suite where he does his dirty deeds. We get in, do the job and get out."

Taeho gives him a nod then nudges me forward. "This is it, Isla."

"Isla? What do you mean Isla? We're doing this-"

"Boss's words over mine." Taeho snaps. "Now get going, we don't have much time."

I slip my hand down to my waist where a gun and a knife rest, awaiting their exit. June opens his mouth to protest but one look from Taeho and he cowers.

"Are you sure-"

I'm already climbing up the ladders. If I stand any second longer down there then I sure as hell was going to turn around and run back to the car like the coward I was. June quickly rushes up after me.

"Third window." He says from behind me. We reach the third window and he whips out his knife and easily shucks open the window. "He'll be coming in any minute now. Hurry, climb in."

I crawl in, then June after me. We slip behind the bathroom doors just in time as the bedroom doors slam open and music blares into the room. My heart is beating out of my chest right now. Slurred words are exchanged between a high pitched female voice and a deep male voice. He was the target.

"Honey, the window is open." The girl complains.

"Aish! Who left the window open!" The man slurs as his footsteps hurried towards the window.


June whispers and I rush out from behind the door and momentarily freeze. My hands are trembling and my feet can't seem to step forward to drive my knife into his neck. Before I can react, the girl lets out a screech so loud it makes my ears ring and the man turns back. Our eyes meet before June knocks the girl out and slams the bedroom door shut.

"W-Who are you guys!?"

His steps went from side to side and he wobbled towards me. Before he can reach me, I charge forward and drive my knife deep into his neck. His eyes go wide and he gurgles on blood before it comes splurging out of his mouth.the blood gets on my face, clothes, and hands. Then his body drops with a loud thud onto the floor. Voices are heard down the hall and footsteps are rushing toward the room

"The window!" June shouts at me. "Go!"

I drop the knife and rush towards the window and climb out with jelly-like legs. I get halfway and jump down, landing on my feet as I bounce backward and land hard on my ass. Taeho rushes over, his eyes landing on the blood. His eyes go slightly wide yet he pulls me to my feet.

"We got to go!"

"June?!" I shout at him as I look up to see him hastily climbing down the ladders then drops to the ground so smoothly.

Taeho grabs my arm and we all run down the alley. Shots are fired after us along with shouting. A few men climb down the ladder and chase after us. We make it to our car and Taeho steps on the gas, going at full speed as we disappear into the night.





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