Chapter 4

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They grabbed for me, cried, and bled.

"Help us, Ji-ah..." Their voices were rough and hoarse. "This is all your fault."

The room was dark, blood splattered all over the walls, pools of blood on the floor. My throat began to tighten as if someone held me by the throat. I couldn't breathe. I clawed and I ripped at my throat...


I jerk upright into a sitting position as my body clung to my clothes from the sweat. My room was dark and the walls that were black were beginning to turn blood. My heart was racing out of my chest and my sheets were suddenly too suffocating. I roll out of bed in an attempt to go turn on the lights but collapse to the floor.

My door swings open and the lights are turned on. June rushes into my room and grabs hold of me.

"Hey, hey."

I grab his arms and shut my eyes, trying to calm my breathing now that the lights were on and the walls were of white and not blood. He softly pats my back as I hold him with a tight grip, my eyes wet with tears.

"Did you have a bad dream?" His voice was low and tired. I must've woken him up.

I give him a nod, finally letting go of his arm once I've recollected myself. "Let's get you back on the bed."

He helps me up and under my sheets. "What time is it?" I asked.


"I'm sorry I awoke you." I sigh.

He shakes his head. "Don't be sorry."

"I'm afraid of the dark." I suddenly confessed to him. "I can be outside in the dark, but not in an enclosed space. There has to be some kind of light, hint why I have three night lights here." They must have ran out of batteries because they weren't working when I awoke.

He nods. "Everyone has their fears. I'm afraid of thunder and lightning."

His attempt to comfort me made me warm inside, suddenly forgetting the horrible nightmare I just had. "Thank you."

He opens his mouth to say something but I see his eyes drop slightly then he suddenly looks away, literally turning his head away. "I should get back to bed if you're alright now." He clears his throat and gets up to leave.

I look down to what he reacted to and my face immediately flushes, heat rises like fire in my face as I tug my sheets over my chest. I had forgotten that I was wearing a thin silk lace pajama set with no bra...oh my god. He just saw everything...LITERALLY my whole chest.

He exits and shuts the door behind him. Something about his presence was just so comforting. Before, if I saw a man with facial piercings and a full sleeve tattoo, I'd run in the other direction, but something June just makes me feel so safe. I don't know when, but I soon drifted back into a deep slumber.

This time, I dreamt of a beautiful blue sky with butterflies fluttering in the wind.

For the rest of the week, I remained home and searched online for jobs. June remained at home as well, but I couldn't bring myself to face him after that night when he'd seen my bare chest. What does he think of me now? We just met and he's already seen me at my worst, and my whole chest. All week I've avoided him even if we ran into each other, but he doesn't attempt to talk to me either. He must feel just as awkward as I do. I'm heading down to the kitchen for lunch when I see June walking up the stairs. I immediately spin around and begin back upstairs but he calls after me.


I exhale a deep breath and turn around, already feeling my checks flush. "Y-Yes?"

"Your father requested I take you training with me." He says, rather calm.

"Training? What for?" I asked.

"He wants you to learn self defense." June's words make me sigh. "Meet me in the basement after you finish lunch."

I go rigid at the mention of 'basement'.

"Basement?" He nods. "N-no, I can't go in there."

He furrows his brows at me. "Why not? There's windows so it won't be dark."

I don't realize how hard I've clutched the hem of my shorts. "S-Still. I can't."

"Okay, I'll meet you in the kitchen in 30 minutes." With that, he jogs down the stairs and disappears down the hall.

I remained root to the steps for a few moments more before shaking off the thoughts, heading into the kitchen for lunch. I couldn't stomach any of the food that our cooks have made. Though they were always delicious, I couldn't get the image of that night out of my head. I hear footsteps down the hall then June appears. He wore loose blue joggers and a tight fitted white shirt. I couldn't help but gawk a little at how defined and well sculpted his body was.

"Are you ready?" He asked, standing at the entrance to the kitchen.

I snap my eyes up, embarrassed that he must've caught me scanning his whole body. I quickly stood up. "I am not going into the basement."

He nods. "I understand. We're going to a nearby gym."

I take a deep breath in relief. "Okay."

"Go change into something easier to move in. Don't wear anything too tight. I'll meet you in the car."

We arrived at a small gym that wasn't too far from home. About a 10 minute drive. It was empty with just one lady behind the front desk. I trail after June as he tells the lady his name and reservation in Korean, then she leads us to the back. We get a private room with a huge boxing ring.

"Are we going to be fighting?" I ask with excitement.

He chuckles. "We can. But I'll have to teach you first."

The lady leaves us alone and shuts the door behind her. The room was dimly lit with a few punching bags sitting around the room.

"You'll be teaching me self defense?" I say a little too disappointingly as he turns to me with a frown.

"I don't know if I should take offense to that or not but yes I am." He tosses his bag onto the floor. I follow. He pulls out two pairs of boxing gloves. "Show me what you got and we'll go from there."

I smile widely and put the gloves on before rolling into the boxing ring. I hop around as if I were some pro fighter. "Oof, you sure you want some? I used to be in boxing." I mockingly tease.

He stares at me for a second before breaking into a huge smile. It's a real genuine smile for the first time since we've met. He looks like a bunny. "So I've been told."

It takes him only a few seconds to knock me to the floor. I must have forgotten that I was 15 when put into boxing class for only a month before getting taken out because I hated it so much. I lay on the floor panting. "I surrender. I'm done."

He laughs and stands over me with his hand extended. "This is only the beginning." 

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