Chapter 6

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Taeho rushed to the site where the ambush happened. A few of their men laid lifeless on the cold concrete floor as he made his way through to the near collapsing building where Boss Jung lay wounded. He suffered a gunshot to the arm and a stab wound in his shoulder, but nothing too severe.

"What happened?!" Taeho shouts at the men that stood watch. .

One man walks towards Taeho, dipping his head slightly to greet him. "One of Choi Sehoon's men was found dead with our symbol carved into his chest." He informed Taeho. "Someone set this up."

"They've declared war." Taeho growled. He fishes out his phone and sends a text to June.

"Don't sleep tonight. Choi Sehoon is on the move."


I barely got any shut eye as I kept watch on my phone. Taeho hasn't answered any of my calls since he'd left. I sit up and throw on my robe before exiting my room. I'm startled when I see June sitting next to my room on the floor.

"W-What are you doing here?" I stutter out.

He looks up at me, unfazed. "Couldn't sleep."

"So you come sit by my door?" I furrow my brows.

"Can I not? I'm outside of your room. Worse, I can be inside." He chuckles. "Why are you not sleeping?"

"I'm just worried. I haven't heard from Taeho."

"You don't have to worry about him. He's fine." He responds.

I gasp. "Is he ignoring me?!"


June accompanied me out to the back yard where we previously sat by the water fountain. The stars were bright as I gazed and kept my eyes towards the sky.

"Why can't you sleep tonight?" I ask him.

"Just a long night." He plainly responds. "What about yo- oh, you're worried about Taeho."

"And my father." I add. "But he is a strong man...I know he is okay."

"You're father is fine. He had a cast put on his wounded arm but he's okay." He reassures me.

I only give him a nod as my response. Relieved that he was okay, but not surprised either.

"So, do you like Taeho? Or are you two..." His voice trails off.

I immediately jerk my attention to him with a hard scowl. "GROSS!"

He laughs. "Taeho is so good looking, what's with the reaction?"

"Gross that you'd even think that way of us! He's like my older brother." I say. "Yes, Taeho is very handsome, I can't deny that but I see him as no more than the brother I never had."

He nods. "How did you two become so close?"

"We grew up together. His parents worked for my family. His father was my father's driver and his mother was our cook. Because of their situation, my father paid for his schooling so we attended school together while I was here. When I moved to the states, we lost touch but we reconnected when he came to visit me in the states at 16. Since then, we were just like best friends from before." He gives me another nod, but doesn't say anything. "What about you? How did you two meet?"

"We met one summer when I visited Korea." He chuckles at the memory. "At club Octagon. He was trying to get away from a girl so he grabbed my arm and told her I was his boyfriend."

I snort a laugh. "He would!!" I laugh so hard I'm at the brink of tears.

"From there, we became buddies. Each year that I came to visit, he'd take me out. Which is why I know Seoul pretty well even though I didn't grow up here." He finishes.

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