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Me and Legend had been at the hospital for hours with Hope. Seeing her passed out naked on her floor like that had scared the hell out of me and I honestly thought my friend was dead. I couldn't find a pulse on her but when the paramedics got there they said she had one it was just really faint. My nerves were on edge right now and I was just praying that she was ok. Legend hasn't said one word since we've been here and I didn't pressure him to do so either.

Family for Hope Anderson

Me and Legend quickly rushed to our feet and approached the doctor.

Is she ok I asked her.

She's a bit shaken up but she will be. Thankfully you all found her when you did, because whoever drugged her had absolutely no idea on what they were doing and they used far too much which would have eventually led to her heart stopping.

So she was drugged?

Yes, and sexually assaulted.

She was raped Legend asked finally speaking

I'm afraid so.

Is she woke can we see her?

Yes follow me.

Go head Lo, I'll catch back up with you later.

Why? Where are you going?

Just make sure she ok Lauren, I'll be back.


Lauren I don't feel like none of that right now. Just go check on Hope and I'll be back.

I looked at Legend and I knew he was heated because he kept twitching his jaw.

Legend be careful.

He didn't say anything back to me and I watched him as he left the hospital. I followed the doctor as he led me to Hopes room. Walking in I saw her laying there crying so I walked directly over to her and sat beside her on the bed.

Hope what happened?

I was cleaning up when I noticed Legend left his wallet. I called him but he didn't answer and when I heard someone knocking at the door I thought it was him so I opened it without even checking and there stood Blake. I asked him several times to leave but he wouldn't. He just went on and on about how he knew I was in here with Legend and he got to calling me all kinds of hos. He had that same look in his eyes the night everything went down at his fathers house. I tried to run in my bedroom and lock the door but he kicked it right off the henges. He came straight at me and I tried to fight him but he stabbed me with something and I passed out.

The doctor said he drugged and sexually assaulted you. When we got there you were laying unconscious and naked on your bedroom floor.

Why would he rape me, she asked crying.

Because he's a sick individual that's why.

I should've listened to you when you told me to leave him alone.

Hope don't blame yourself.

How can I not. I could've prevented all of this.

Legend will handle it.

Where is he?

I don't know he just left and he wouldn't tell me where he was going.

Blake has his wallet, he knows where he lives and everything. I made sure I told the police his name too.

He better hope they get to him before Legend does.

I sat up here with Hope for a few more hours. They were going to keep her overnight for observation so I headed home. I made sure I sent Legend a text letting him know that B.Streets had his wallet with all his information.

I sat on the couch and just thought about all the bullshit that was going on, we still had the situation to handle with Genesis, and now the shit with Hope. I felt so bad for her because it was like she just couldn't catch a break.

I ended up dozing off but was awaken by my phone ringing. It was a little after 3 in the morning and I didn't recognize the number but I answered it anyway.


Was you sleep ?


Yea it's me.

I've been calling and texting you.

I had to get a new phone after I got shot.

When the hell did you get shot?

Like a week ago, that's a story for another time. But Lauren,


My brother really hate me huh ?

I think he's more so hurt, it's basically like you picked her over him and Genesis. I understand the whole baby thing but you don't even know if the baby is yours Lennox.

It's mine, the results came back today.

All I could say was oh, I couldn't even lie my feelings were a little hurt.

I hope that don't mess with nothing we got going on. I really wanna fuck with you Lauren.

I think we should leave well enough alone. And besides me and my ex are going to work it out I told him clearly lying.

I can respect that, I fumbled the ball so it's cool. But can you do me one final thing then I'll leave you alone.

What's that?

I need to have a sit down with my brothers.

I'll see what I can arrange.

Aight cool, you can hit me back at this number.


I hung up the phone and just sat there. He really got this damn girl pregnant. I don't know what he think a sit down with Legend or Genesis will fix. They both want that damn girl dead. But all I could do was try my luck.

A girl name HOPEWhere stories live. Discover now