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Third Person POV

(Y/n) was about to walk towards her adopted father when a girl at the age of 8 passed her body, she stopped in her tracks.

She watched as the 8-year-old girl ran towards the Magic Emperor, Julius spread his arms catching the girl in his arms then spinning her around. The girl's laughter echoed around the room, (Y/n) watched her 8-year-old self-smiling widely at the Magic Emperor.

Julius put little (Y/n) down in the ground, she lay on the grass, Julius sat beside her caressing her hair.

"Sir Julius, do you think I'll be a great Magic Knight in the future?" Little (Y/n) asked, the Magic Emperor's eyes hinted with sparkles.

"Why of course, little princess. You'll be the greatest just like me! And did I not tell you to stop addressing me as 'Sir'." Julius said, his hand never left her hair, brushing his fingers through the locks of her hair.

Little (Y/n) pouted, her eyes looking down to her hands.

"But Marx and the captains addresses you as 'Sir'. It's only right to address you that as well."

The Magic Emperor huffed, the present (Y/n) tugged the corner of her lips upwards, she remembered this conversation all too well. It is one of their decent conversation in their father-daughter relationship.

"I am your father, little princess even though I adopted you, I wanted to treat you as my own and this father is waiting for you to call him 'Dad' or maybe 'Papa'."

Little (Y/n) let out a gasp, her eyes widening.

"I thought you only adopted me because of pity."

The present (Y/n) noticed a slight changes in the eyes of Julius, but she disregards it, wanting to watch her core memory of her and her dad.

Within her // YunoWhere stories live. Discover now