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Third Person POV

"We need to see you fight in all different kinds of circumstances to best ascertain your abilities! For the second round, you shall fight in this stage!!"

The Magic Knights watched the field changed its formation and now the battlefield has bridges and broken houses, (Y/n) crossed her arms leaning her head in Yuno's arm.

The board also changed to the teams who is going to face each other in the second round, the first match will be between Asta's team versus Magna's. A tough one at that.

Noelle sent a nod towards Mimosa while Yuno sent Asta a nod as well, (Y/n) on the other hand, sent two thumbs up towards the two, not hesitating to exclude 'Zachs' in one of her encouragements.

"Now then, Team B versus Team C... Let the first match of round two begin!!" The Magic Emperor exclaimed.

The two teams placed themselves in their designated position in the new battlefield, while the rest of the Magic Knights waiting placed themselves in a comfortable position, of course, another tension has been found all because of the boyfriend and best friend.

In between of the tension, there is the concentrated (Y/n) waiting for the match to start, her hands both slings in Yuno's arm as well as Noelle's.

"Mimosa... it seems you've let the mana of those ordinary people seep into you too much and have lost sight of yourself... I'll soon fight you and release you from those filthy commoners!" Kirsch said, a little bit dramatic then petals began to come out of different directions of the battlefield.

Noelle frowned at the sight of the thousand petals in front of her, Mimosa on the other hand is distinctly questioning her own blood relation towards Kirsch.

Yuno squinted his eyes as he watched Asta held the black sword in front of him, Asta's yes filling with determination. Yuno smirked from afar then (Y/n) saw what her lover did, he managed to poke Yuno's side then Yuno quickly stared at his girl, his eyebrow raising from the sudden action.

Within her // YunoWhere stories live. Discover now