18- Without Showing any modesty

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Both to their relief, Felix's other idea worked. He made plenty of money doing Provocative videos and photos online.

"Babydoll you did it! Thank you!"

"Really? I'm glad I can help Chan!"

"So amazing you are darling~"

Chan was doing his finances and paying bills, very happy Felix's earnings paid most of everything up to date. And thankfully his cyber ransoms started to pick up again, so did the clientele business.

The pair were on the couch talking about the good news, Felix giggled resting his legs on Chan's thighs leaning against his pillow.


"It's true! So smart and beautiful you are doll, I love you!" Chan cheered grabbing his chin kissing him, the younger cupped his cheeks happily kissing him back.

"Mmm...see? I told you I could help~" Felix teased, the older gave another small laugh looking into his eyes.

"Yes babydoll, you always amaze me...and I'm so happy to have you~"

Things were looking up for the two, Chan felt at ease their lives didn't have any worry now.

Of course they both celebrated with a ton of sex on the couch then in bed, both passed out very late from using up all their energy.


Felix was wrapped under the sheets rolling over feeling cold, because the bed was empty. He opened his eyes some to see it was dark but Chan wasn't in bed.


Felix rubbed his eyes sitting up, he saw the time show it was a bit after 1 am.

Where did he...go?

Felix yawned slipping out of bed, he grabbed his silk kimono per usual to slip on tying the front as he went to look for Chan.

"Chan...?" He quietly called for the older, Felix padded down the hall to the kitchen seeing it was dark but Chan was at the counter looking at his laptop. At first Felix thought the older was nude...but noticed his black track pants.

"Chan...?" Felix squinted his eyes watching the older type at his keyboard as the laptop illuminated the kitchen.

"Hm? Hey darling..." Chan glanced to him with a small smile then went back to focusing, Felix came around to him being curious.

"Chan...what are you doing awake?" Felix mumbled inching closer behind him, the older hummed still focused.

"Just making sure our finances are taken care of..."

Felix somewhat saw some numbers over Chan's arm, but he was clingy and wanted the older with him instead.

"Chan...come back to bed..." Felix whined quietly hugging him from behind, Chan smiled feeling the younger's small hands on his abdomen.

"In a while I will babydoll~" Chan teased a bit, Felix gave another whine and pout hiding his face in Chan's shoulder.

"I don't want to wait a while...I'm lonely without you..." Felix mumbled softly rubbing his hands on Chan's skin, the older felt his heart warm from Felix's physical affection.


"I'm trying to be responsible baby, I'd like to not have to pay late fees" Chan joked a bit, Felix just hugged him tighter pressing his cheek on the older's soft skin kissing it lightly.

"But I miss you..." Felix blushed, the older could tell the boy was trying to guilt him back to bed. He gave another small laugh finishing up something then he closed his laptop.

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