The Beginning of the end

Start from the beginning

You put the flower crown on her head as a finishing touch. "Think of it as a birthday present" you said looking at Mirabel's beautiful dress "Oh Y/n, you've done so much to make this party a success, just don't stress yourself out I know how stubborn you can get", "Wa- me?....I promise I'm not stressing myself out", "Y/n~ you lying" Delores grabbed you arms stopping you from leaving, "Ok fine I might be juuust a little because Denis is going to be here any moment and Camilo isn't at 100% right now if you know what I mean and I'm starting to worry about what was in the vision that had the casita so worried" Delores looked at you then turned and looked at Mirabel  "Mirbel do you have any other dresses by any chance" you knew she was planning to put you into a dress but you politely said no "It dosn't make since wearing a pretty dress cause I'm just going to be serving everyone", "I don't care you're still going to be seen and you still have after everyone finishes eating to show it off," Mirabel said looking through her closet.

After a while of choosing Delores and Mirabel finally settled on a dress.

After a while of choosing Delores and Mirabel finally settled on a dress

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At the party 

Camilo was in the corner of the room trying not to attract attention, he had on a cordobes to cover up his ears, and stuffed his tail in his suit pants. The music stopped and everyone's eyes went to the top of the stares where you and Mirabel were, she wanted you to walk her down the stairs. All eyes were on you two as you slowly and steadily went down the stairs.

Y/n POV: "WHY THE FUCK IS THERE A SPOTLIGHT I'm so nervoouus, I should've worn my regular clothes."

Y/n POV: *gasp* "Where's Milo, is he holding up ok? I don't see him in the crowd."

The two of you finally got down the stairs and you rushed to the kitchen to get the food.

With Camilo

Mirabel: "Camilo!"

Camilo: "Ah! Mira, don't sneak up on me like that"

Mirabel: "Sorry.....I feel like a fucking princess! This is so amazing, but that's not what I came over here to talk to you about."

Camilo: "Ok then what it is"

Mirbel: "Y/n said you weren't feeling 100%"

Camilo: "Yeah just a little...tired"

Mirabel: "Also I think you should help Y/n she looks like she's struggling"

Mirabel pointed at you, you were slowly but surely walking towards the table with a big heave plater of chocolate.

(Lemme just show yall how much food Y/n made.)

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Sly Camilo (Camilo Madrigal x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now