Chapter 1 - Everythings So Akward!

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Marco stepped into the shower, sighing heavily. He ached like terrible and had so much on his thoughts. Mewni and Earth had collided a few hours before, and he was still trying to process what had happened. Star and Marco had began to tour their new home and meet up with their friends and family after sharing a tight...very tight hug after they had stared at each other in awe. When it began to get dark, they decided to call it a night, deciding that it would be better if they slept under the same roof yet again, as they had in the past at Marcos' house.

Stars bedroom had been destroyed along with the magic, leaving merely a boring, dusty room for her to sleep in. As Marco saw Star's glum expression when she opened the door to the room, he decided to let her crash in his room with him for the night. Another thought that came to Marcos' mind was this. Star will be in the same bed as me. They had previously sat on each other's beds during the day and been pretty close, but this was different. Under the sheets, they'd be sleeping next to each other. Considering Marco only had a single bed, they'd have no choice but to sleep squished up against each other.

Marco had been feeling a little awkward since they had expressed their feelings. He was relieved to finally get it off his chest, and he adored Star; he was just terrified that he'd screw it up. Perhaps he was just overthinking things.

Marco waited for the shower water to rinse off the remaining suds on his body, watching them fall to the floor and get washed away into the drain. Once satisfied, he turned the shower off and stepped out onto a fluffy blue mat. Reaching for the warm towel beside him, hanging up, he began to dry himself off before wrapping the towel around his waist. He walked over to the bathroom mirror starring at himself for a minuet before reaching into the cabinets to pull out a hair dryer and comb. After a good fifteen minutes of grooming himself, Marco walked to the bathroom door, unlocking it and walking out, closing it behind him.

Before entering his room he peered through the door slightly to see whether Star was there, but she wasn't. He presumed she was downstairs entertaining Mariposa or chatting with his parents. Marco entered his room, shutting the door and walking over to his wardrobe, digging around to find his pyjamas and a fresh pair of underwear. Finally finding a pair of briefs, he removed his wet towel, walking to the back of his door to hang it up to dry. As he hung the towel up, he felt his heart drop to the bottom of his stomach as he began to hear footsteps followed by the door handle rattle, he frantically stumbled to step into his underwear, but it was too late. Marco felt his face turn white as he watched the door quickly slam open to reveal Star walking in with a smile on her face which turned into a shocked expression in seconds as she made eye contact with Marcos exposed parts.

"Oh my-"

Star stood at the door, speechless, for a few seconds, staring at Marco before cutting herself off and slamming the door shut. She had just seen Marco completely naked. Her cheeks flushed red as she turned away from the door and took a deep breath.

"Oh my god."

Star began to process everything that had just happened in a whisper. She didn't knock because she assumed Marco was still in the shower and needed to borrow his laptop. She had seen Marco topless before, but never without underwear. He was fully exposed for her eyes, and she made a mental note to remember that image for the rest of her life and to preserve it for the next time she was alone in bed. Star took a few deep breaths and straightened her posture to calm herself down, turning to face the door. That was hot, but I'm sure Marco is mortified right now. She pondered.

"Marco, I'm so sorry! I thought you was still in the shower!"  Star said shouted from the other side of the door hoping he wouldn't be too unhappy.

"Err it's okay, um it's not your fault I should have told you I was out." Star could hear Marcos embarrassment through his voice, she didn't blame him.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2022 ⏰

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