Our New Normal

433 6 2

Word count: 1281

Warnings: language, period talk, other language, fighting, looking, kissing

Italy, house
(Master bedroom/bathroom)

Y/n's pov

The next morning...

This morning when I woke up I felt like something heavy was on-top of me. I tried to move but I felt stuck. But when I finally opened my eyes I was tangled with Bucky's body. Our legs were tangled together and he held me in his arms. My head was against his chest and my arms were around his torso.

When I moved again to try to get out of his grip so that I can go to the bathroom I accidentally woke him up. He just looked at me and let go, then he and I sat up in the bed and looked at each other.

We both tried to get to the bathroom before the other. But he won by only a second. When we stood there he just looked at me and I said.

"I need that bathroom more than you do!" I said loudly in his face.

"And why is that?" He asked.

"Because I need to brush my teeth." I said.

"Y'a you do you have really bad breath in the morning!" He said scrunching his nose.

I rolled my eyes and used my powers to move him out of the way. I ran into the bathroom and closed the door locking it.

I did my hair my teeth and I used the toilet. I looked down and saw that my period decided to show up early.

I looked in the cabinet and I only had 3 tampons.

You idiot why didn't you bring more and why don't you have any pads?

I finished in the bathroom and when I walked out I realized I forgot to put the other two tampons back in there place. Before I could go back and fix my mistake he pushed past me.

When he got into the room he saw the never used before tampons on the counter. I pushed past him and put them away.

"I need to go to the store do you want to join me?" I asked him silently hoping he sais no.

"Y'a sure give me 20 minutes." He said.

"Okay will do!" I said with a smile.

I walked out then he closed the door and got ready. I walked to the closet and took out some cute clothes to put on.

(This is her outfit, sorry if you don't like it but you can always imagine it's something else)

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(This is her outfit, sorry if you
don't like it but you can always
imagine it's something else)

I put some but not a lot of makeup on, but you could still tell I have some on. When he came out of the bathroom he looked at my outfit but he quickly looked away.

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