𝐉𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐝 𝐏𝐭.𝟐

Start from the beginning

"Maybe if you were actually around, you might have noticed" I spoke, my voice raising ever so slightly.


Have I really been so busy that I didn't notice her? God, I feel like such a terrible mother. This is all my fault. "Y/n, I'm so sorr-" I reach my arms out to embrace her.

My attempts to comfort her fail, y/n pushing passed me aggressively. "don't." She interrupted and walked out of the house. I didn't move, I couldn't.

"Y/n!" Tony shouts, walking out after her. The ride home in the quinjet was painfully quiet. I looked over to her, guilt pooling in my stomach. Staring out into nowhere, tear stains evident on her cheeks. The quinjet lands back at the tower. Y/n was the first off the jet, ignoring everyone, she went upstairs.

I sat down on the couch, Wanda following shortly after. "She needs you Nat" Wanda turned to look at me.

"I know" I say not looking up from my hands. I hated seeing her in so much pain, and I was mad at myself for not realizing sooner.

"She's hurting. I can feel it" I give her no response as a single tear rolls down my cheek.  "You need to talk to her." With that she got up walking out of the room.

Wanda was right. I'd been a shitty mother; she was hurting and I wasn't there for her.  As I walked up the stairs, I heard a crash coming from y/n's room. Panic rose inside me, and I quickened my pace. Once I reached the door, I go to open it but to my dismay it was locked. I began banging on the door. "Y/n! Open the door right now!" No answer.

I pulled my gun out of my waistband and shot the lock off. As soon as the door opened, I ran inside. I didn't see her anywhere. I ran towards the bathroom connected to her room in a panic and opened the door. I stopped in my tracks at the sight in front of me.


I'm so tired of pretending like I'm fine when in reality I'm far from it. I have been struggling for months and now mom wants to come and play hero. I don't want her help; I don't want anyone's help; I just want the pain to stop.

I stand in front of my mirror and look at my reflection disgusted. I look and feel like shit. I reach under the sink and pull out a old Ziplock bag with about 5 blades in it. I haven't cut in a long time and didn't plan too, but I kept them just in case.

I take one out, briefly wiping it off. I roll up my sleeve, reviling my scars from the past. I take the blade and run in across my wrist a couple times, feeling the stinging sensation but this wasn't enough. I needed something else to rid of this never-ending sorrow. I grab a bottle of pills from the medicine cabinet, sitting on the floor.

I look down at my wrist to see the excessive amount of blood coming from them. I stare down at the orange bottle, is this it? Is this how I die? I always expected something much cooler but at this point I don't care; I can't take it anymore. I open the bottle but before I can make my next move the door is swung open. I look up at the person and see a blur of red but can't make out who it is before I black out onto the floor.

I run towards my daughter, holding her in my arms as a single test runs down my cheek. I look around the bathroom and notice the bottle of pills on the floor along with the blood coming from her wrist. "Friday! Call Bruce!" I yell out to the A.I. while checking for a pulse. It's there but it's weak.

I sit there for another minute waiting for bruce before he runs into the room. He kneels down to us and looks her over with a worried expression. He puts two fingers on her neck before standing up. "We need to get her to the med bay now!" I listen to him picking up my daughter and running downstairs with Bruce.

We ignore everyone, running past the common room into the Med bay. A few people follow us into the med bay, as they saw us come through with an unconscious Y/n.

Once we make it there, I place Y/n down on the table and stand to the side allowing Bruce to work. "Nat I think it's best you leave" Bruce tells me not looking away from my daughter, preparing to operate.

"No I need to stay with her!" I say, slightly raising my voice. I feel an arm on my shoulder and turn to see Wanda and Steve.

"Natasha we need to let him help her." Wanda say, her accent coming through. Another tear runs down my face, a salty taste lingering as it rolls onto my lips.

"Okay" I say no louder than a whisper. They take me out to the common room. The whole team all is in Y/no's room while we wait for her to wake.
I wake up feeling like shit. I open my eyes before quickly shutting them due to the bright light. My eyes adjust and I soon realize I'm in a hospital bed with a white bandage on each wrist. I suddenly remember what happened just a few hours earlier.

I look to see my mom and the rest of my family asleep in the room. I grab my moms hand, as it was resting on my bed, and give it a squeeze. My mothers eyes slowly open and she lifts he head. As soon as she realizes she stands up and brings me into a tight hug, careful of my wounds and IV.  "I'm so so sorry," I tell her as I start to cry.

She pulls away and looks me in the eyes. "You have nothing to be sorry for. It was my fault. I shouldn't have ignored you ." She tells me with a slight stern tone.

"I know but I shouldn't have done... that" I speak, motioning towards my injured wrist. I felt ashamed, like I was weak for not being able to handle the pain.

"I know but we are gonna get you help, I promise."  She pulled me into another hug and we stayed like that for a while. Her embrace helped subside all of my uncomfortable feelings, allowing me, for a moment, to have peace.

Once Bruce let me leave the med bay, mom took me upstairs to my room. We laid in moved all day watching movies together and cuddling, making up for all the time we missed together.

okay so that was really long and morbid. Sorry it took so long I have been busy. I'm going to try and update more but no promises.


Okay I'm going to go to bed now due to the fact it is currently 3am.
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Word count- 1640

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