Part 8: The Land of Tea - Team 8's C-rank

Start from the beginning

"If Izumi and Kurenai share your sentiment, I will call them in to brief them on their missions." Obito stated. "But... these missions will determine the future of their missions. This will be a trial C-rank. If they cannot handle these missions, I cannot give them C-rank missions until they prove themselves."

"We both believe our team is ready, and if they do run into trouble, we will be the first ones there to help them." Izumi stated.

"Good. Now call them in, I have the missions ready for them. Just to make it fun, I have 3 envelopes and they have to pick their missions. Each envelope has the mission details enclosed within too." Obito stated, laughing.

The genin teams enter and choose their envelopes. Team 8 was the first to open theirs.

"So it looks like we're going to the land of Tea, to... help out with a race?" Mira said, looking at Obito as if he just pulled a prank on her.

"Exactly. I have received calls that the feudal lord there is hosting a race between two main families, and that the land has been ruled with an iron fist from the ruling family there. The Wasabi family aims to rid the rule of the Wagarashi family and claim the land back for the people. A good friend of mine has reached out personally for this mission, and I think you're more than capable of handling it. Your mission is to assist the Wasabi family to win the race against the Wagarashi family. Keep in mind that this mission may get even worse for everyone considering the Wagarashi family likes to play dirty. All I ask of you is to assist with the race and don't get into any unnecessary fights." Obito explained. "If the mission turns out to be even more dangerous than previously thought, I will send a backup team to assist you."

"Yes lord 5th. We accept the mission." Mira bowed and left the office.

Timeskip to when Team 8 is about to leave for their mission.

"So here's the plan: We have to help the Wasabi family win the race, but we cannot engage. Our main job is to protect the runner from any harm, so Kiba and Shino, you two are the most essential parts of this mission. I need you to use your dog-like senses and your bugs to detect enemy chakra, and if you can, immobilize them. Taiga and I will be the ones protecting the runner from any harm because we are best suited for combat. We will need you to not only sense enemy chakra, but relay that information to us in a timely manner, so we can protect the runner." Mira explained the plan as they all listened intently. "Does everyone understand what they need to do?"

"Who appointed you as the leader of the mission?" Kiba scorned.

"Can you come up with a better plan Kiba?" Mira fired back.

"I... Uhm... Well you see..." Kiba struggled to find any plan that would work as well as Mira's, he eventually gave up. "No." He said, defeated.

"Keep trying Dead Last, you'll think of something." Taiga teased his teammate, knowing it would make him angry. Taiga always loved teasing Kiba and his overall incompetence when it came to anything besides his tracking skills.

"Oh you've done it now Sarutrashy." Kiba said as he and Akamaru got ready to fight, before Mira stepped in.

"We're all teammates, so if you could both could kindly grow some fucking balls and stop fighting with one another, we can leave for our mission." Mira snapped. "Why did I have to get stuck with two children and an antisocial freak? Sasuke and Naruto are probably having the time of their lives with their teams." Mira cursed under her breath.

"Now come on, we have to leave for our mission. If you're not there by the time we leave, I will personally neuter Akamaru and steal your scrolls Taiga." Mira ordered.

"Jeez woman, would it kill you to be nicer for once in your life?" Taiga and Kiba sighed.

"Yes, yes it would. You guys are just panzies. Now come on, we have a mission to do."

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