I'll always come for you

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Jack's POV

I can't believe it, she tried to run. AGAIN. I knew she didn't love me. I knew she was only trying to hurt me, so it's my turn to hurt her. I picked her up by her waist after she punched me and threw her against the wall. I smiled at her pain and went closer to her.

She put a hand to her head and quickly took it away wincing in pain. I smiled and saw that she had blood on her hands. I carried on walking closer to her until she was backed up against the wall. When I saw her eyes; they had fear in them.

Fear of me. And I liked it.

I crouched down to her level and brushed a hand against her face. She flinched and turned her head while I chuckled. But then I went back to serious and grabbed her chin frowning at her.

"NEVER TURN YOUR BACK ON ME!" I screamed in her face looking at her in disgust.

"Like you did to me?" She mumbled looking me in the eye. I ignored her sly comment and put her in chains. Pitch can have her later. I may love her, but she's betrayed me and she has to pay.

"You can't ignore me Jack." She said standing up. I growled and faced her again, "You can't just leave, you know the truth, that's why you want me to stay silent."

"Shut up." I said walking closer to her. She flinched a bit, but walked towards me.

"I'm not afraid of you Jack." She said looking into my eyes. I laughed at her comment but then I went serious again. I pinned her to the wall and she shivered.

"I know you're afraid Elsa. I can smell it, I can taste it. It's a wonder how Pitch stopped himself from consuming you after so many years." I smirked and went to whisper words into her ear, but she spoke before I could.

"I'm not afraid of you. I'm afraid for you. This isn't you. This isn't the Jack Frost I love. Snap out of it! She shouted and slapped me with tears in her eyes.

I growled a shot ice spikes near her, "I'M NOT AFRAID OF YOU!" She shouted once again. The dark ice shattered and I could create it anymore. And I was happy. But confused. I sank to the floor.

"Darkness is nothing without fear Jack." She said standing over me. Like, like a guardian (A/N Ever heard of irony?)

I frowned and cast a sand portal and went back to Pitch.

I won't let her play with my heart. I'm not her puppet Let her run to her family. Let her leave me. Again.

Elsa's POV

Jack left and I made a run for the door. He didn't come back and he didn't lock the door. I sighed and ran through it trying to find my family.

I looked at every door, went through every room, but nothing. When I was about to give up, I came to the last door hoping that it was the right one. And it was, I just wish it wasn't. I took a deep breath and opened it.

There was my family, bruised, battered and weak. I gasped and ran to them. Pitch said he'd let them go if I came, he said they wouldn't be hurt. I started to cry and froze of their chains and shackles. They surrounded me and hugged me.

"Oh Elizabeth, I thought you were gone." My father said holding me the tightest.

"You can call me Elsa." I smiled weakly, "and I thought that I'd never see you again." I replied holding all of them tight afraid to let them go. Then, a light hit my face. A strand of moonlight.

"Man in moon, please help my family." I whispered silently begging. All I wanted was that they were all right, that they were going to be fine.

A bright portal opened and the guardians stood out of it, hey gasped as they saw my family and I in this kind of state, "trust them." I told my family and they started to rush us into the portal. But then I remembered Jack.

"I can't leave him." I said as they passed through the portal.

"Elsa, he's turned dark, there's no go back from the!" North tried to reason, but I shook my head.

"He think's I've abandoned him, I'm not gonna do it again!" I shouted pushing him in the portal letting it close up.

I began to run. I began to look for Jack with one thought on my mind.

I'll always come for you.

Jack's POV

I went back to Pitch and we started a new plan since we allowed Elsa to escape. We had to take her again. I want my revenge and Pitch wants her powers. If he takes her power, she will be weak and I can hurt her as much as I want.

You love her

No, she abandoned me twice! WHO WOULD LOVE SOMEONE LIKE THAT?!!!!?????

It doesn't change the fact that you love her.

Shut up and go to hell

Technically your condemning yourself to hell. I'm apart of you.

Smart ass.

That's what I'm here for.

Yeah bu-

The battle in my head was interrupted by a loud shout, "Jack!" Shouted a feminine voice that had already buried itself in my mind. Elsa's voice.

"Go to her." Pitch commanded.

I shook my head, I didn't want to see that girl. The one who broke me and turned me into this.

"Go! We can use this. I will control the darkness in your body. I will control you if you do not do as I say."

I nodded and felt the darkness subside, I picked up a mirror and saw that I had white hair and blue eyes again. I tried to fly, but Pitch stopped me, "Do. As. I. Say!"

I shook my head but Pitch let the darkness take over an once more and forced me to find Elsa. When I was with her, Pitch still didn't let the darkness up but didn't change my appearance.

Elsa engulfed me in a hug and buried her head in my neck, "I'm glad your back." she said her voice still muffled by her head in my neck.

No Elsa, it's a trick! Is what I wanted to say, but instead.

"Me too Elsa. Me too." And while she was still hugging me, I swear my hair turned black and an evil smirk grew on my face.

?????'s POV

I have to do something. I can't leave them like this. Jack has to remember, love can go two ways. Love is a two for one.

It hurts, but it also stop pain.

Come back to us Jack. Come back to the light.

Jelsa song: I'd come for you


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