Lexi laughed. "It's nice to meet you too."

"Where's Edward?" Richard asked before taking a sip of coffee.

"He had a client call in and can't make it. He dropped me off here on his way to the office." He smiled at Beth in thanks. "He said he'll pick me up later."

"Who's going to be there?" Lexi asked, her eyes darted between them all.

"It's just us, Alastair and Gabrielle," Robert answered. "You'll meet Edward sometime soon, I'm sure."

"Edward looks a little brooding, but he's nice, I promise." Alastair smiled at his wedding and engagement rings. The thin band of diamonds caught the light.

"Have you received your invitation for Father's engagement party yet?" Stella asked.

"Oh, right!" His eyes widened. "Congratulations, Mr Callahan. I apologise, I should have said something the moment I walked in."

"Thank you, Alastair." Richard smiled.

"I can't wait to meet the lucky lady," Alastair stated and turned back to Stella. "I have already RSVP'd for the party as well as Gabrielle's. If I didn't, she probably would try to kill me." He chuckled. "I'll be sure to prepare a fitting gift."

"There's no need for that, Alastair. Your presence will be enough of a gift."

"I know I am a delightful fellow."

Richard laughed.

"Good morning," Gina sang as she walked in before blinking and stopping. "Hello, I wasn't aware we would have guests."

"Sorry, I just dropped by unannounced," Alastair stood from his seat with an apologetic smile. "Poor manners, I know, but I'm used to them letting me walk around like the king I am." He chuckled.

Gina furrowed her brows.

"I'm Alastair O'Hara." He held his hand out. "You must be Ms Jones, the lucky lady to have hooked Richard Callahan."

She smiled and took his hand. "It's nice to meet you."

"You have another child, don't you?" Alastair moved to pull her chair out for her before Richard could get up.

Gina sat in the offered seat and nodded. "Lucas. He's most likely still in bed."

"I envy him," Alastair murmured and returned to his spot.

"What do you do, Alastair?" Gina asked and began eating the breakfast that appeared before her.

"I'm the CMO for my father's company," he said. "My husband is a lawyer-"

Gina spluttered and choked on her coffee. Lexi cringed while the twins and Alastair looked at her. Richard frowned, patted her back and offered a napkin.

Alastair looked at his plate. His gaze moved to his friends as a sick feeling welled up within him. Robert narrowed his gaze at Gina.

"I'm sorry," Gina cleared her throat. "I-I wasn't expecting to hear you have a husband."

Alastair swallowed.

"Why is that?" Robert asked, hoping she could clear up the tension weighing on his friend.

"Just because of this society non- thing. I didn't think same sex marriage would be approved."

Alastair forced out a laugh. "Well, I can see how you would think that. We do appear a little archaic to the outside world. I have an older brother and so does my husband. We don't have as much responsibility placed on our shoulders. Even if we didn't, it wouldn't matter much." His shoulders relaxed a little. "Thankfully, since our marriage there have been more families open to the possibilities of their children being anything other than straight. Obviously, heirs are important but there are some ways around it."

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