Stage 03: The Classmate is a Lie

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After the opening song which, by the way, is now being thoroughly enjoyed by its growing fanbase amongst the audience in Anya, Gino, C.C, Kallen, Kaguya, and Tianzi, the title for the episode is shown.


The Classmate is a Lie

"What does that mean?" Tamaki looks around for answers.

"Fuck..." Kallen whispers as her face turns pale, having a feeling it's going to show her.

All of her.

Jeremiah: "Why the hell are we letting the Elevens go?! What about the poison gas they've stolen?!"

Britannian Army: "But it's by order of Prince Clovis."

Britannian Army: "What about Bartley? Get the general staff on the line."

Britannian Army: "They're not at their posts, sir."

Britannian Army: "Are you telling me Prince Clovis is alone on the con?"

A group of refugees can be seen walking away as Britannian soldiers watch.

Kallen is among them. She looks over her shoulders at Clovis' command center, wondering why the Prince ordered the massacre to be put to an end, at least this one anyway. Who knows when and where Britannia will go on another murder rampage.

"I can understand why the guards aren't there if Lelouch used his Geass on them, but why was Bartley not there?" Schneizel wonders.

"The coward must've fled," Jeremiah huffs.

Lelouch stands up from his sarcastic kneeling posture and points his gun at his older half-brother, who begins nervously trying to placate him.

Clovis: "I'm overjoyed, Lelouch. They said you died when Japan was brought into the fold. What a blessing to have you back. We should depart for the homeland immediately."

Lelouch: "So you can use me as a tool of diplomacy? It seems you've forgotten why we were used as tools in the first place." 

Clovis tenses up, afraid of facing Lelouch's wrath. 

"Lady C.C, I have a serious question," Sayoko states. "I know Clovis doesn't seem like he has received any hand-to-hand combat training at all and that he's frozen because he has a gun to his head, but why does he seem so afraid of Lelouch specifically? Lelouch was never an intimidating presence, physically speaking, so was it his temper?"

The Witch  nods. "You're right. Clovis knew how petulant Lelouch could be. Even as a child, Lelouch could hold surprisingly long grudges on the rare times he did so. Most adults chalked it up to him growing up, but none of them knew how the lengths that his unimaginable his anger would reach."

Lelouch: "That's right. It was because my mother was killed." His tone takes a dangerous edge.

As Lelouch narrates, a flashback of eight years prior is shown. Several dozen bullets fly into three separate, rather ornately large windows, the muzzle flashes reflecting off a large chandelier, giving the audience the immediate sense that some sort of ambush had happened to a powerful family.

Lelouch: "Mother held the title of Knight of Honor, but was a commoner by birth. No doubt the other imperial consorts held her in contempt."

The audience is in discomfort, but Rivalz breaks their focus by asking, "What does he mean by that? Why would they hate Lelouch's mother just because she was a commoner?"

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