After a while, he answered.

"We don't know for sure, but... he's going to wait a month before he attacks Marley... That only gives us three weeks to prepare since we still have a week off." His voice came out as a whisper, but you could practically hear the devastation. "What a brat."

You hummed, showing him that you were there to listen.

"He's going to attack... and he wants help from the Scouts. So, we have to be there, too. We don't know how he's going to do it. Not yet."

As soon as you knew that he was finished, you pulled away, but his eyes were locked on the report on his desk. You didn't want Levi to think about anything work related in these two weeks you had off, but it seemed like he couldn't help it. Wanting to help take his mind off it, you picked up the report and placed it into one of the desk drawers, turning back to him once you closed it.

His eyes were thankful, and you knew that, if you hadn't shown up, he would've been here all night, thinking about what was going to happen.

You so badly wanted to help him think of something else. Something completely different to the Scouts, Marley, potential war. He deserved all the good in the world, but only ever received all the hardships.

He ran one hand up your bare thigh, since you were only wearing once of his button-up shirts. His eyes locked on yours, but there was no lust there; he just wanted the comfort that only you could give him.

You smiled softly and leaned in to kiss him. It started off slow, but quickly turned passionate. Your hands pressed into his chest, and his arms wrapped around your back as he pulled you closer. From the way he was clutching onto you, you could tell that he wanted a distraction just as much as you wanted to give him one.

The need for air became too much, to the point where you had to pull away. When you did, Levi didn't let you go very far. He put his hand on the back of your head, so your forehead was pressing against his as you caught your breaths together.

After a few minutes, Levi pecked your lips once more and gazed at you lovingly, and you could tell that he had forgotten all about that report. And all you had to do was kiss him.

As he gazed at you, you suddenly remembered something important. Very important. And you wondered if Levi remembered it, too.

By the look in his eyes, gazing so softly at you, you could tell that he did.

"So... tomorrow..." you began. "What do you want to do?" you asked, grabbing his hand and playing with his fingers. You had to bite your lip to hide your smile when he looked at you with a sly grin on his face.

"Well..." he purred, leaning close to your ear, his hand running down your back to rest on your behind. "I'm going to-"

You shrieked and buried your face in his chest to hide your growing blush. He was so straightforward sometimes. You didn't hate it, though. Not one bit.

"Levi!" You giggled when his lips met your neck.

He placed his hand underneath your jaw to make you look at him, your giggles subsiding when you met his gaze. He smiled tenderly and tucked a piece of hair behind your ear.

"We can do anything you want," he whispered, leaning forward to nuzzle his nose into your cheek. "I can take you somewhere nice, or we can stay at home. I don't mind."

You thought it over for a while. All you wanted to do was be in the comfort of your own home; you didn't care for anything fancy tomorrow, and you knew that Levi wouldn't, either.

"Mm... Can we stay at home?" you asked, wrapping your arms around his neck.

You felt him smile into your skin. "Of course."

That Heart Of Gold | Levi X Reader Where stories live. Discover now