Chapter 24

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We were taken to a military base in Siberia. We watch as they drag the surfer through the gate. I turn back to the team, my eyes filled with worry. Reed exits the car and we all follow and end up in an underground bunker's conference room.

"But General, we had an agreement." Reed argues.

"Calm down. The enemy has been captured, mission accomplished."

"Where is he?" I demand.


We're interrupted by someone at the door. "Mr. Sherman." Hager greets. "If you'll excuse us, we have work to do." He adds before turning to walk out.

"I want to be there for questioning." I say. I feel Johnny come up behind me.

"That's not gonna happen. Please make sure our guests remain here comfortably." The door slams shut behind him.

"Are we prisoners?" Johnny asks a little bit later, staring at the security camera. He chuckles, "How'd that happen?"

"Apparently, they don't want us interfering with their methods." Reed says.

"I hate to think about what torturous things they're doing to him in there." I say, arms folded over my chest. My eyes have held the blue they turn since I had multiple missiles launched at me.

"I say he gets what he deserves," Ben growls.

"How can you say that?" Sue asks him.

"I'm just saying that maybe the general is right about this. The guy was about to destroy the planet. He said so himself."

"But it doesn't explain why he protected me from those missiles. Why'd he do that?"

"Maybe he thinks you're cute?" Johnny suggests, jealousy creeping into his voice.

"There's more to it than that. He said he wasn't the destroyer." I say.

"Uh, maybe he lied." Ben argues.

"We need to get inside there and talk to him. But under the radar." Reed says, looking at Sue.

"I'm going too," Johnny looks like he wants to argue. "He protected me. I want to know why." Sue nods and quickly puts a forcefield around me, making me invisible before turning herself invisible as well.

"Hey, uh, is there anyway we can get some DVDs or popcorn or something, just to past the time?" Johnny asks the guard at the door.

"I'll call it in Mr. Storm." He says.

"Great. Thank you. Seller Fi." I face-palm at that.

"That's the Marine Corps. We're the Army." He responds quickly, irritated.

"Right. I know. It's the... Army." Johnny says, opening the door a little wider so Sue and I can sleep through before shutting it.

As soon as the hallway is clear I say to Sue, "Your brother is an idiot."

"Yeah, and you still love that idiot." She whispers back.


We get inside the interrogation room and have to advert our eyes to avoid watching them torture him.

"General, Von Doom wants to speak with you." We hear Captain Raye tell Hager.

"Mr. Sherman, let's take a break." He says and they all leave. Once they're all gone, the surfer looks up.

"I know you're there." He says and Sue makes us visible.

We approach him. "What's your name?" I ask. He makes no move to answer me. "Come on. You must have a name. I'm Jacqueline and this is Susan." Still nothing.

"You said you weren't the one trying to destroy our world. Then who is?" Sue asks.

"The one I serve." He finally responds.

"Who do you serve?" I ask. He doesn't answer again. "Look, I'm trying to help you. But in order to do that, I'm gonna need to know what we're dealing with here?"

"Please," she adds, ever the polite one.

He closes his eyes and an image appears on his abdomen. "It is known by many names. My people called it Galactus, the devourer of worlds. It must feed on energy, both thermal and organic." Great, it looks like me and Johnny are at the top of the menu.

"How could you willingly serve this thing?" I ask.

"Because I must."

"Doesn't it bother you? All the worlds and innocent people who've helped destroy?" Sue asks.

"My service spares my world... and the one I love."

"Why did you try to protect me?" I ask.

"Because you remind me of her." I reach out and take his hand, giving it a comforting squeeze.

We hear the door open. Sue turns us invisible again. "Could you stop the destroyer if you wanted to?" I ask.

"It is not I who draws the destroyer here. It is the beacon?"

"What's the beacon?" Sue asks.

"The source of my power."

"Your board?" I ask. He nods.

"Take joy in the last few hours you have for he is nearly here." He says before going quiet again.

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