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The door flung open with a loud burst, prompting Inessa to jump in her spot. Her stunned eyes darted towards the door to find Danzel storming towards her with a face like thunder. His two orbs were glaring down at her with murderous intent. She gulped and shrunk back in the bed as the devil dressed in a customized suit advanced towards her. Death seemed a better option than facing him right now. 

Before she knew it, he was standing beside her bed. Her heart lurched as he shot his arm out and grabbed her wounded wrist. His eyes narrowed a slit as they intently stared at her gauged gash. The gauge was stained with her blood. With bated breath, she watched him boring holes into her wrist.   

After what felt like an eternity, he finally lifted his lashes. A shudder passed down her spine when her eyes collided with his predatory once. There was no trace of anger on his face now. He had cleverly masked his expression. 

Without saying a word, he pulled her to her feet. Her legs wobbled but before she could fall he held her waist in time and steadied her. She glanced up at him and realised he wasn't looking at her. He let go only when she had gained enough strength in her legs. Without delay, he started dragging her out. 

They reached his study. 

"Sit," he motioned for her to sit on the sofa as he took off his jacket and strutted towards the bar with all his majestic bearing. The white dress shirt clung to his body perfectly. The buttons covering his wide chest were close to ripping with his every breath. One could easily outline the delicious curves of his toned biceps under those close-fitting sleeves. One could also see them flexing as he gracefully undid his cufflinks and rolled the sleeves up, revealing his huge, veiny forearms. Dressed in a white dress shirt and black trousers, he was looking devastatingly attractive but frighteningly powerful also. He epitomized masculinity.  

He picked a bottle of the fines wine he had and started pouring them into two glasses. Inessa had already taken a seat and now was watching him in confusion.

Once he had filled the glasses to the brim, he took something out of his trouser's pocket. She squinted as he put the content into one of the glasses. Once the thing had dissolved into the wine, he picked both the glasses and carried them towards her. 

"Drink it," he offered her the glass in which he had mixed something. She hesitated a moment before taking the glass. 

"I've mixed poison in it," he stated as he casually took a seat across from her. She stared at him, dumbfounded. 

He sipped on his drink and fixed her with an intent gaze. He was quick to read the question in her eyes.  

"You wanted to die. Knock yourself out," he raised his glass towards her in a cheering gesture before taking another sip. His eyes didn't waver for a second from her now paled face. An evil smirk began to grow at the corner of his lips. 

"Go ahead, do it. Kill yourself. Free yourself, doll," he asserted the last part. 

"But remember, your this step will be compensated by your sweet family. I will make them go through hell and back but I won't kill them. Nope. This is the luxury they won't get," his shoulder bent in a predatory bow and his orbs turned cold as they glared at her with pure spite. 

" Go on. Drink it, Inessa. Finish your life. Finish your mother, your sister, your brother's lives," he tilted his head and taunted her. 

She took a shaky breath and glanced at the red liquid with apprehension. He continued to stare at her, noting her every moment, her every expression. His hold around his glass tightened when she lifted the glass a little but he forcefully restrained himself from doing anything. She stared at the liquid for a moment longer before turning her gaze on him. 

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