Chapter Four: Being Visible

Start from the beginning

"Daaaaaamn!" She shook her head. "Is it easy?"

"There are no easy days for me."

"I hate to be you right now. But someone has grown! Why are you so tall?" She tickled Rehan. "I missed these chubby little cheeks."

"How was it with Bowie?"

"He's sooooo fun!" She squealed. "Okay too much fun, totally 100% extroverted. Too much sometimes... I had to hide from him sometimes."

I cleared my throat. "And the S-E-X?" I spelt it out so that Rehan doesn't catch it. I wiggled my eyebrows.


"That's awesome." We both lay on the bed looking at the plain ceiling. The king's chambers are simple. There's not much. I hear that Cathan said he feels like the room is screaming at him. They had to paint over murals that have existed for years just because he felt the room is screaming at him. The gold finishes remain against the crisp white walls. Reli doesn't like the white walls. He says they are not calming. He wants something earthy.

We turned at the same time to look at each other. I gave my ladies in waiting a vacation. They have a month before they return. Being at the base all day made them irrelevant and I saw no need for them to hang around doing nothing. I sent them home. They didn't want to leave.

"You're not okay. What is wrong?"

"I don't know."

"Are you pregnant?"


I was surprised when Reli started using protection. Our first time with something between us felt just like that. There was something between us. It was really different and we both noticed. The second time he pulled out but my period was late and we I was panicking. We agreed to wait till Rehan is two years old before we try for a second one. After that scare, I got on contraceptives but I kept skipping pills. I am not keen on such. It was a mess. He went back to protection. It still feels weird. But I do love to watch him ripping the case open and rolling it over his hardened length. If I could get pregnant each time I have watched that the palace would be crawling with babies!

"Thank goodness. So what is wrong with you?"

"I'm just tired. Have you ever wished to go back in time and make different decisions?"

"Sometimes. But what would make you say that?"

"I don't think I'm cut out to be a queen."

An incompetent streak has hit me since Diana Crose arrived.

"Okay... Where is this coming from?"

"I love the military more than the crown. QM is forbidding me from pursuing a military career. What should I do? I hate dresses, I hate make up, I hate jewelry... I hate everything a queen should love. I only love the king, the prince and all the servants who make my life so easy. What should I do?"

"How many queens do you know?"

"Not that many."

"Exactly. You are among the women who have a rare opportunity to be in a position to make a difference. You shouldn't take it lightly. Reli saw something in you to reject all the women in Chea Niva and the world. You're special to him it's not that he didn't think about the kind of queen you would make before he chose you. He must have. Don't let him down and don't take it for granted."

"I never thought of it like that."

"It's human not to notice what you have until it's lost. By the way, you have no way out of this. You already gave him a son. Your DNA is mixed up with his so there's no leaving. He won't let you."

"You're right about that. It's set in stone."

"Your majesty." I cringed at hearing Diana's voice. "It's well past 10am. Is your intention to waste your life on your back?"

I sat up quickly and straight like a pin.

"Good morning Diana! How lovely to see you today!"

"Who is your friend?"

"This is Dana. She's my best friend and lady in waiting."

"It's s pleasure to meet you Dana. I'm Diana. Your majesty, please follow."

I grumbled to myself but I followed.

"It's my day off. The king has declared it. Ask him."

"I already had a conversation with the king. He made no mention of you having a day off." She detoured into the 'lesson room' where a man is seated with a curious look in his brown eyes.

"What's going on?"

"This is Harris. He will be your publicist."


"Your majesty, you need to start being visible." She informed me. "And we can start with attending an art gallery opening this afternoon right here in Carperia."

"It's my day off!" I stomped my feet.

"Spoken like a child. You don't get a day off. Not if the word is still turning. Go get dressed. I already picked out what you will wear." She smiled at me.

I want Reli to make her go away.

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