Chapter 4: Get Off the Skinny Bitch Path

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"Look at all the beautiful people," Chessie murmured to me. Power couple after power couple walked into the hotel ballroom, wearing designer gowns and tuxedos, checking in to the welcome desk to get the auction brochures, swag bags, bidding numbers and their table assignments. Kadence moved around, schmoozing the couples as they arrived, her eyes glancing every few minutes to the doorway.

Chessie kept up a running commentary in my ear about each couple, some of her comments downright hilarious, some just meant to get me up to speed.

We were both dressed in beautiful gowns, but ours were neither designer nor expensive, and our shoes did not cost anywhere near quadruple digits. Wellington Academy teachers were well paid, but not that well paid.

Kadence came over to us, definitely dressed in designer wear – apparently deans of privileged academies could afford couture – and gave me a catty smile. "Well, Rome's date certainly looks good on his arm."

And with that parting shot, she left us to stare at the doorway where, indeed, Dante was strolling in, looking beyond gorgeous in his tux and a shimmering, shiny blonde on his arm.

If I had held much hope – and let's face it, I had because I was a romantic idiot who read more into flowers and a dance and a phone call than I clearly should have – all hope burst like an overfilled balloon at the sight of Dante and his date.

Beside me, Chessie sucked in a breath. "Shit," she muttered.

Forcing my eyes away from the beautiful duo, I turned to Chessie. "Onward," I said. "It was unlikely and improbable anyway. We both knew it."

"He traded down," my friend declared loyally. "Now, let's go to the bar for our one approved drink and find some new talent for you."

I laughed, refusing to allow my romantic notions to ruin my evening and followed Chessie to the bar. Once we had our drinks – a mojito for her and a lemon drop for me – we wandered to the silent auction tables where we gaped at the items up for bid.

"Seriously? A week-long trip to Hawaii? That includes airfare?"

"I'm telling you, that's nothing to these people," Chessie assured me.

"Is there anything we can bid on?" I asked. We wandered to the jewelry and gift baskets.

"Nope, not even close," I laughed as we looked at the gift baskets. "These are not gift baskets; these are spa events!"

"Look at this diamond necklace," Chessie sighed. "So gorgeous."

"Go for it," I urged her with a wink. "If you like diamonds, go for it."

"You don't like diamonds?"

I shook my head. "Nope. Never was a fan of diamonds."

"So out of all this, what would you pick?"

I looked at the various rings, earrings, necklaces and bracelets. "Honestly, if I had to choose one thing, it'd be this ring." It was a lovely amethyst ring in a hammered silver setting. "But I would never in a million years pay even a hundred dollars for a piece of jewelry much less...holy cow! The starting bid is a thousand dollars for this thing!"

"Chump change," Chessie said in a snooty accent.

"I just can't believe people would pay that much for a ring. I mean, come on!"

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