Chapter 9

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Every so often I come too, hearing voices sound distant in the background. The first few times I wake up I'm sort of awake, and I don't know if someones watching me or what, but every time I did someone put some food or maybe water into my mouth. The third, or maybe it's the fourth time, I'm slightly more awake than the other times, and I can hear people talking. At first all the words are all jumbled, but eventually, make out the words isn't as much of a chore and I listen.

"It's been five days. FIVE DAYS Xander. Five days and he still hasn't woken up! I'm starting to get worried. What if he doesn't wake up? What if that power surge was too much and now he can't wake up!" Someone starts crying. 

A voice startles the short silence. "Hey, it's okay. I'm sure he'll turn out to be fine. When he wakes up I'm sure he'll be all perky and annoying as usual. He should wake up any day now, the Docs said he would. The power surge couldn't have been big enough to kill him, he'd be a pile of dust right now." This comforting elegant voice is Xander's, and I relax a tiny bit.

I groan, trying to get their attention by speaking. "Snadre...?" I hear a gasp, and then someone grasps my hand in their own. "Xelqua? Oh, thank the high lord you awake!" This voice I come to realize is Yelqua's own after a few moments. "If you can understand me, or at least hear me grasp my hand."

I take a moment to decide if I should, then I weakly grasp it as easily as I could. Then I attempt to open my eyes. Peeling them open felt like lifting boulders 10 times my size, but upon getting them open I see a blurry few faces hovering over me.

"Y... Yecha," I wheeze out. My throat was as dry as sandpaper. She smiles, tracing her long elegant fingers around my face. "How did you know that was m name? I don't recall ever telling you it." He voice is just as elegant as Xander's, but it's more cheery than bored. I just sit there, staring inter her face, unable to answer with all my energy spent saying her name. "Ah never mind. I'll let you rest." A purple glow flashes, and I find myself slipping off once more. Only this time I knew it wouldn't be for long.


The latest and final time I wake up there's no one waiting in my bland grey room. I'm basically awake, or awake as I can be to sit up without feeling like I'm going to puke. Since I'm more awake, my mind instantly fills with questions, though the most dominant one is Where am I? With the soft glow coming through the windows, I can tell it's either sometime early in the morning or sometime in the afternoon.

Sitting there, I catch a glimpse of what's outside and I just stare at it for a minute, puzzling over what it was. The door bursts open, and I jump as in suddenly comes one creature I don't recognize. "Ah, you awake! Glad to see you feeling better Xelqua," he says with a slight bow. "I'm Zane."

"I don't recall seeing you in the big room with the floaty things," I respond." He laughs. "Me? In the council room?" He starts laughing so hard he falls over, floating in the air. Tears leak out of his eyes. He reaches up to wipe them off. "Okay, okay, I'm done now. But seriously? You're funny." I'm not laughing, just staring at him with a confused expression plastered across my face.

He blinks, suddenly remembering something. "Oh! Yelqua asked me to ask you if you remember anything from before you blacked out." I try and think for a moment. "I think I remember everything I knew from before. I'm just confused on where the wings and the sword came from. They just appeared out of thin air."

"Well," Xane starts. "To answer your first question, I have no clue where the sword came from. That's one of the only things that has us stumped. But your wings on the other hand, well, we hid them with a simple spell. They were getting in the way of moving you safely. But now that you're close to being fully healed, you can start your training." He turns to leave, but I stop him with the word wait. "Can I ask one more thing?" He nods. "Why did the big Watcher attack Xander in the first place? He wasn't doing anything wrong."

"We had to find out who you had a link with," he says with a shrug. "Whoever you had your link with would be who you train with after your tests. If it hadn't worked with him, we would've moved onto Yelqua. Oh, by the way, good job on killing the illusion. Not many first years can." Then he turns and walks, no slightly hovers out the door.

Will I eventually look like them? With my beautiful wings all mangled, torn up, and my face always covered with that hideous mask? And will I end up hovering instead of walking? I sigh, and settle back into my bed, sinking into my fluffy pillow. This is going to be a long week.

Hi hi! Soooo, I may have accidentally lied about not posting this week. I didn't realize I would have a free period, and I'm posting it during that. I'll probably end up deleting that other little blurb. Sorry about the long wait!

- Red <3

P.S. I do have a new cover I'm working on. Do you guys want to see it? Thoughts please!

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