Chapter 1

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You know how it starts. We get to the end portal. We get in, but somehow I get separated from them, still don't know how. But this. This is the story of what happened after I went through the portal.

It was... scary. Hearing those voices, those weird voices. Its like... they were talking like they talked about me every day. That wasn't even the most disturbing part. The more I sat and listened, the more I was convinced that I would go insane if I listened to them any more. It also seemed like they weren't speaking English, but I could understand them for some reason. At least, to the biggest extent. Every once in a while, it seemed like they would stop, and then maybe look at me, to see what I looked like, but I couldn't see them. Its obvious that they could see me, and I knew that. I sat there for what seemed like hours upon hours at a time.

The sounds that the one of the voices was making started getting more and more insistent, like one was having an argument with the other. I wondered what they were arguing about. Then suddenly the voices stopped all together. The silence was creepy. Then I felt something on my face. I flinched away, or at least tried to, but I was stuck fast in place still. The thing felt like it was tracing my face, surprisingly gentle.

I tried to speak. "H... Hello?" I cough. It felt like my throat was on fire. "Who... who's there?" I hear another sound, which sounds a little bit like laughing! Who would DARE laugh at me, I think. Not that I remember who I am. "Are y-you laughing? Why?" That question makes it seem like the person, or whatever it is, laugh harder. Then the sounds start again, like its talking to me.

I frown, or at least try to. "I can't understand you. What language are you speaking?" The thing speaks again. "O⍑, ↸𝙹リ'ℸ ̣  ∴𝙹∷∷||. Y𝙹⚍∷ ⎓╎リᒷ." I rack my brain to try and see if I can find out how to see what the thing is saying, but then suddenly the thing that is blocking my vision is gone. In its place, is the brightest light I think I've ever seen. And then the thing is finally shown to me.

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