The meet

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I was walking behind the staff because I was soooo nervous...
This was it.
The moment my carrier could really take off.
I saw a black van/car through the clear gates.
The driver's door opened and out came a guy in who was probably their driver and he opened the main door of the car.
I could see the silhouettes of some guys in black tuxes and could feel my throat get dry.
A tall man came out and following him came out the other six men
" I am going to die rn!!" Said one of the workers beside me
"I..I..I cannot breathe" said another
"Bruh please don't die on me" I jokingly thought.
I took some big steps and opened the main door for the 7 Korean guys to walk through.
"Hi.. are you the host of the show?" Asked the tallest guy who was also their leader Kim Namjoon
" Yeah! It's a pleasure to meet all of you." I professionally replied trying not to freak out.  I replied in English because he asked the question in the same language.
The youngest one looked lost and the 2nd visual was looking pissed. But then I realized he just had a resting face.
I guided them towards the waiting room as they had to come on the stage after I announce it.
The oldest was talking to the shortest one and the rapper just looked bored.
"Anyaghaseo," I said in Korean
They also looked at me bowed a little
They thought that I might have just learned a few lines but they were about to be surprised.
"Please sit here and wait, refreshments will be served, and please don't hesitate to call me," I said in Korean
All of them looked at me with a really shocked faces.

"You can speak  Korean?" Asked the maknae aka Jungkook


"You're Korean is really good," said the oldest aka Jin 

"Thank you"

"No really where did you learn it?" Asked the leader

"Kdrama's helped a lot"

" you speak like a natural" praised the shortest aka Jimin


The maknae was my bias in BTS.

All of them were hot but Jungkook just was the one.

My best friend would kill me if I didn't get an autograph for her from V. I would probably get that after the show is over.

I left the guest room and gave a thumbs up to the director.

The show started and the crowd went crazy, I could see the adrenaline rush in every person there. 

I started the show and it was now time to call upon the 7 guys

" Now give a round of applause for the ONE AND ONLY BTS!!!!!!!!" 

The crowd legit went crazy

I could see all of them coming from the stage entry in a line following the leader. They came upon the stage and bowed towards the audience, and took a seat on the sofa. 

The interview was going smoothly and all my nervousness was gone... BTS not even for a second made me feel awkward... I guess it's kinda their thing. 

"Now for the questions, This is your first time coming to India so how is your experience going?"

"India is a diverse country and I was really surprised that different people from different states talk in another language but everybody knows English. The food is amazing and I thought Indian food would only be good in spicy food but the sweets are also soo good!" Replied the Leader

"Yeah, the food is amazing! The spiciness is different Korean food is spicy but Indian food is spicy but also mixed with sour or a little bitterness which makes it even tastier" Said Jin

"You can never have enough Indian food trust me! But what made you change your mind about finally coming to India for a concert?" 

"We were having trouble in booking places for the concert and overall technical difficulties. Once they were resolved we immediately came!" said jungkook, I was really surprised because he just looked really lost during the entire evening and according to my research he never really interacted that much. 

The interview went really smoothly with jokes here and there, I spoke a lot of Korean for all of them to understand and then translated it for the audience. 

The maknae though kept staring at me...

(Jungkook pov)

I really don't like interviews and all the English just goes through the top of my head, Usually, only Namjoon Hyung talks, and I only respond when I am asked to... But, this interviewer Y/n was so different than any other interviewer I had ever met, I could tell she was nervous but her stance had confidence. She owned the place and became the moment without even trying...

I noticed her the moment we walked through the company door but when she started to talk in Korean my heart fluttered.

She spoke it soo well that she immediately caught my attention. The way she spoke was making my heart desire her words more and more...

Muahahaha! Yes, I am ending this chapter here. Jungkook and Y/n's story is about to start and it's going to be amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Stay tuned!


Famously yours (A JJk FF)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant