I LOVE YOU (Alternate Ending)

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SCENE 13: Back in Sasha's bedroom...

Kevin (Recorded Voice): Dear Sasha... I'm sorry that I've been very busy and we barely see each other now-a-days... I miss you... So every day, I send you these plushies as my way of giving you my hugs... my kisses... and my love... My way of showing that every day, every moment, every second...that I can never stop saying...I LOVE YOU

[Flashbacks of Sasha and Kevin hanging out]

Sasha: (Cries again as she remembers those moments about Kevin and then gets the doll, that had his voice, from her side and hugs it.) (Looks up after awhile, wiping away her tears. Soon after, Sasha quickly gets up to get ready. She decides to visit Kevin in the hospital.)

SCENE 14: In the hospital...

Sasha: (Slowly enters Kevin's room and sees his mom beside him) Mrs. Lordes, I-I'm sorry--(gets cut off)

Kevin's Mom: (Suddenly hugs Sasha) 

Sasha: (Slowly tears up) 

Kevin's Mom: It's okay. It's not your fault... (Looks at Sasha with tear eyes)

Sasha: (Nods with tears in her eyes.) (After the hug, she looks at Kevin.) Has he...woken up yet?

Kevin's Mom: Not yet... (Wipes her tears and looks at Sasha again) I'll give you two some space. (Walks out of the room)

Sasha: (Once alone, she sits by Kevin's side. Her tears falling as she looks at his face. It's scarred, but looks peaceful.) I'm so, so sorry... Please... Please wake up... (Leans against him holding his hand...) I love you... (Sobs, burying her face against the sheets)

[After a moment as Sasha continues to cry...]

Kevin: (Hand begins to twitch and his eyes slowly open. Once his vision cleared, he noticed a warm hand on his. It was Sasha's.) Sa-Sasha? (Smiles and reaches out his free hand to her) D-Don't cry... E-everything's o-okay...

Sasha: (Lifts her head up and sees Kevin awake. She cries even more.) Ke-Kevin... You're awake! (Comes closer to him and holds his hand) I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry that I didn't try to listen -- that I didn't trust you enough...

Kevin: (Smiles and holds her back) I-It's okay. It's my fault for being so slow. I should have told you everything from the start. I-I should have given you more of my time...

Sasha: No, (Looks into his eyes) It's not. I should have been more understanding... I should have been patient...

Kevin: (Begins to tear up, too) I-I love you... Always will...

Sasha: (Smiles crying) I love you, too. Very much...

Kevin and Sasha: (Slowly draw closer to each other and kiss)

SCENE 15: In the hospital...

[Sasha and Kevin smile and laugh as they continue to chat inside the hospital room. Friends and Family join in after they heard of the news that Kevin has finally woken up from his coma.] 

Sasha: Many people say...that when you're in a relationship, communication is the key. That you should always do your best to talk to your significant other. But to me, I no longer think it is anymore. When you truly love someone, you don't need to always talk to them... You just need to be patient and trust each other...with all your heart...


I LOVE YOU (A Short Script Story) [NOW A SHORT FILM!]Where stories live. Discover now