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"M'lady, you okay?" Chat Noir asked, concerned for his lady. "Huh? OH! Yeah, i'm fine!" Ladybug said snapping into realization. Chat Noir glanced her a concerned look, Ladybug tried to ignore it.

Moments later they dashed off to go find the little girl's missing cat. While looking around Paris for a white cat, Chat Noir breaks the silence between them.

"Hey M'lady, are you sure you're okay? You looked pale back there." Looking at her with another worried glance. "Yes Chat, i'm fine, thank you though." Ladybug says giving him a warm smile that sent butterflies down Chat Noirs stomach, having him immediately smile back.


I asked Ladybug about her expression, she looked like she had zoned off, and had a moment of realization. She claimed she was fine. But I was still unsure. Was she actually okay? She was pale back there. Something had to be wrong.

Whilst we ventured across Paris, I felt a heavy silence between us. It seemed like there was something still on her mind and I wanted to find out what it was.

I asked her about her expression earlier once again and asked if she was really okay, but all I got back was a a "yes," and a warm smile that made it seem like she was genuinely fine, it calmed me down.


I was still thinking about everything that happened during the event. When suddenly, I heard a familiar voice. It was Chat.

I quickly snapped back into realization and told him I was fine. I could tell he wasn't buying it.

We looked across Paris for the missing cat, but I was still thinking about him. I couldn't get him off my mind, I was half distracted and didn't realize the silence between us.

Suddenly I head Chat's voice asking if I was okay once again. Clearly I wasn't. But I gave him a reassuring smile that should at least make him think I was okay.


The two heroes continued to search Paris to find the missing cat. Eventually, Chat Noir spotted a small white figure in the distance and realized it was a cat.

"Hey I found the cat!" Chat Noir said, nudging on his partner's shoulder to get her attention. She looked to see the white cat and scratched Chat Noir under his chin. "Goodjob kitty-cat." She said smiling.

They jumped down the rooftop they were examining Paris on to get the cat. Chat Noir lifted up the white cat gently and examined it.

"She should've atleast told us if there was a collar on the cat, there are so many stray cats around Paris it could take a lifetime to find the right one!" Chat Noir says, realizing that she didn't give a solid description.

"Its fine kitty, look, he doesn't look like a stray cat, he still has his leash on him. And he has crystal blue eyes like she said." Ladybug said, passing a soft smile to Chat Noir, temporarily forgetting about the Chat Blanc events.

Chat Noir looks at her in awe, forgetting how kind hearted his lady is. He starts smiling to himself whilst looking at the cat. He cracks a grin and says: "Hey look at that, me and him are completely opposites," he said while smiling at Ladybug. "Im a black cat and he's a white cat! Opposites attract dont you think m'lady?" He said, still looking at Ladybug with a funny grin on his face.

However, Ladybug's smile vanished in an instant and looked worried. Chat Noir couldn't understand what she was thinking at that moment and his cheeky grin disappeared as well when he saw her face.

"Ladybug, you sure you're okay?" Chat said, genuinely worried for Ladybug now. "Yes kitty, i'm fine. Let's go and return this cat to the little girl." Ladybug said, with a more serious tone in her voice.

They return the cat to the girl, feeling relieved to see the young girls face light up smiling. They took her home and returned her safely. However Chat Noir was still focusing and worrying about Ladybug's reaction's earlier.

"Soo.. I'll see you tomorrow at patrol m'lady?" Chat Noir asked. "Yeah, definetely," Ladybug responded back with a smile. "Bye Chat!" Ladybug said winking to him, swinging back to her home.

Ladybug dropped onto the blacony of the Dupain-Cheng bakery and opened the small trap door leading to her bedroom. She entered slowly, trying not to make a sound and wake up her parents as it was already evening in Paris. Roughly 10pm.

Ladybug flopped onto her bed and detransformed into what is revealed to be Marinette. "Ugh Tikki, i'm so tiredd, patrol was way longer than it should have been," Marinette says letting out a sigh, looking at her kwami.

"Well you guys DID search all over Paris for a missing cat! And you found it! You should be proud of yourself Marinette! Your making good deeds every day!" Tikki said while flying to Marinette, hugging her cheek. Causing both of them to laugh.

Marinette quietly went to the washroom to change, grabbed a croissant from the kitchen, and went to bed right away. She was exhausted from patrol. She let out a loud sigh.

"Goodnight Tikki," Marinette said, slowly closing her eyes. "Goodnight Marinette," Tikki said sleeping next to her.

They both drifted off to sleep. However, Marinette woke up from a faint, familiar voice. "M'ladyyy," was all that Marinette could hear. She came to realization that she was Ladybug, face to face with a familiar white kitty.

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