'Calm down, George. Are you hungry?' Dream asked me softly, my stomach grumbled as I unconsciously leaned into Dream, making him chuckle. 

I sniffed as Dream carried me down the hall to the dining room. He set me down before we entered and clipped a blue leash onto my collar then led me into the dining room, not dragging onto my leash, instead let me walk beside him. I sat down on the dining table next to Dream and I saw Techno sitting opposite of Dream, staring at me, the action making me uncomfortable. I shifted in my seat, which Dream noticed, and glared at Techno. 

'Chill, man, stop staring at him, your making him uncomfortable. Go stare at your own pet instead.' Dream said, that's when I noticed another girl sitting beside Techno, her head hung low. She looks a little older than me and quietly ate her food bit by bit. 

'Mean...' Techno grumbled under his breath. I stared at the girl, wondering why she isn't looking up. Then I noticed something shiny like a locket hanging around her neck. Then realization hit me like a brick, causing me to choke on my food and both of the vampires to look at me. I wanted so badly to make her notice me, for her to realize the same thing. I couldn't risk whispering to her because of the vampires. I quickly ate my food and sat there quietly, watching her. I tried to touch her with my foot under the table to get her to notice me but I couldn't reach her, a little bit more and I would be able to touch her. 

I risked a glance at Techno and Dream and saw that they were chatting about something and weren't paying attention to the both of us. I moved slowly to the edge of my seat and reached out my foot to lightly tap her on the knees, causing her to tense up and risk a glance up at me. Her eyes widened when she saw me and she nearly choked on her food. Her eyes darted franticly between me and Dream, I saw a small pool of tears from at the edge of her eyes and my heart shattered at the sight of that. I could see a scar running along the side of her face and up to the bridge of her nose. Tears threatened to spill over my eyes as the thought of what she has been through these years brought tears to my eyes.

'You're pet 's getting all emotional there,' Techno said to Dream, causing me to tense up and snap out of my state of grief. 

'Hm, it's alright, since they're all done eating, they can go to the other room while we talk here. How about that, Techno? I have something to talk to you about.' Dream suggested, making me nearly jump out of the seat in excitement.

Yes! that's perfect! 

I thought as Dream got up and led me to another room with Techno right behind him, dragging the girl behind him. They pushed us in and locked the door behind us, leaving us inside a large living room.

I looked over at the girl who was staring at me with wide eyes.

'L-Lila?' I asked quietly, making her eyes widened as a drop of tear rolled down her face.

'G-George?' She asked at me, making her run up to me and give me a tight hug, while I collapsed into her arms, sobbing as the events of the past few hours caught up with me. 

'It's okay, it's fine... Every thing is going to be fine...' She said soothingly while rubbing my back gently as I continued crying into the crook of her neck. She pulled me back to get a good look at me and planted a soft kiss on my cheek. 

'What happened?' Lila asked me, wiping a tear away from my eye, and pulled me into another hug.

'Long story short, he saved me from death, kidnapped me, and brought me here to be his pet.' I sniffed and hugged back. We both jumped when the door slammed open and in walked Dream with a pissed off face. 

'We're leaving George.' He said angrily and grabbed my leash and dragged me out of the room and away from Lila. As bad as I wanted to run back to Lila, I knew better than to defy an angry vampire. 

I followed Dream back to his room, where he slammed the door shut, making me flinch as he approached me, still fuming. 

'Who was that girl?' He asked me, making me stop in confusion. Then I burst out laughing.

'Chill out, Dream, She's my sister!' I laughed and I saw his features scrunch up and a tint of red slowly creep up his cheeks in embarrassment. 

'W-wait, really?' he asked me, confusion clear on his face.

'Yeah, haha, she's my big sister, Lila.' I snickered. 'W-were you jealous, Dream?' His eyes widened a little and he turned away from me.

'O-of course not. W-why would I be?' He said and came to take the leash off of my collar, reminding me of my situation and my smile faltered. We sat in awkward silence for a while then Dream got up and walked into the bathroom. 

'You should go wash. Here, you can wear my hoodie when you're done.' He said while handing me two towels, and black hoodie. He then knelt down to my level and reached a hand out to unclip my collar. I winced a little as he took it off, rubbing the spot the collar rested on. 

'Was it too tight?' He said, looking at my neck with a concerned look. I nodded and he reached a hand out to touch my neck, I flinched back in pain when his hands made contact with my skin. 

'I'll loosen it a bit tomorrow so it doesn't hurt as much.' He said and I nodded silently as he sighed. He backed off and went to sit on the other side of the bed while I walked to the bathroom and locked the door behind me. I leaned on the door and took a deep breath as the events of the day flowed through my mind.

am I just his pet for the rest of my life just like Lila? What even happened to her...

I felt tears starting to form and I forced it back. After taking off my clothes, I went into the shower and I sighed as I felt the warm water relax my tense muscles. I haven't had such a good shower in years, so I also washed my hair with shampoo and something that smelled really good and made my fuzzy hair soft and tame. I cursed as I got out of the the shower because I realized he didn't give me an underwear of any sort. 

that sneaky little son of a bitch! 

another chapter LETS GOOOOOOO

long chapter <3

word count: 1971 words.

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