Welcome the Guardian Irumi-chan!

Start from the beginning

Above the two was the same baby chick that brought Irumi to this place, cooing and chirping at the great beast. Stopping the colossal creature in its tracks altogether, regardless of the fact it's aim was not to harm but to grab the familiar blue haired child.

As the baby chick chirped in some form of explanation to the larger beast, Sabro slapped and cupped the top of Irumi's head, gaining back her attention, never witnessing the strange phenomenon of her glowing irises. "I said! What art thou doing?!" Sabro demanded. "Ah? W-what do you mean?" Irumi questioned looking up at him as his large hand cupped the entire crown of her skull.

"You looked like you were in trouble! I was passing through and so I-well..." Irumi blushed looking away from him after figuring it was an explanation he was seeking from her. "I..I couldn't let you get further hurt here..you are my classmate.." Irumi stuttered, still looking away from the descendant of a great Lion Demon.

Sabro blinked, face turning red before stubbornly turning his gaze away from the small demon in front of him. Instead he peered up to see the beast that accompanied this great oddity that is Irumi. "Could..that be the child of the Guardian?!" He favored questioning this rather than continuing to interrogate the strange classmate before him.

"E-eh?!" Irumi gasped, looking up to the two beasts with stars in her eyes. "This is the guardian of cutthroat valley? And that's it's child! Wow you have a lot of growing to do!" She called out happily as Sabnock eyed the somewhat broken sword that managed to land not far from their position. The thoughts of attack playing in his mind.

But Irumi was operating at a different wavelength.

Cupping her hands over her mouth as she gazed up at the two. "Hey! Guardian, look your baby's foot is all healed up now! I understand why you were so upset now! Your baby was injured after all! But it's all better now!!" Irumi called out as she waved her wounded hand. Gaining the attention of the two beasts once more.

The great beast blinked, nearly bewildered but pleased, further and further proved that this must be her own offspring that has healed its young reckless chick. A delighted warmth spread as it made a deep grumble sound.

Behind Irumi, Sabnock stood, gritting through the pain as he picked up his fractured blade. A plan of attack still in mind. "No worries, we aren't going to hurt you!" Irumi swore and turned on her heel, looking up at Sabro sharply as he hefted the blade above his head. Cutting him off his war cry with a gentle "right?".

Further caught off guard, Sabro looked at the small demon Irumi in confusion. "Huh? What art thou saying? This is our chance to-". Irumi tilted her head, staring up at him with clear eyes.

"What?" She uttered in her soft voice. Just that soft, judgementless, but reassuring tone caused all his back talk to wither and die within his throat.

"Put it down," she advised gently, as if telling so to a young one who didn't know what they were doing. It wasn't conceited, it wasn't an order nor any sort of true demand. It was simply words empowered by those clear Egyptian-Blue eyes.

"But-I-" he tried to argue but the fight was leaving quicker and quicker as those delicate, rosy pink lips fell to a pout.

'Is a demon supposed to be so succubus-like even that damn Asmodeus isn't so!?' Sabro choked within his mind as his will was being trampled on mercilessly.

"Come on," she said, letting out a breathy giggle and gentle smile, outstretching her hand to him. "It'll be okay. I promise."

With shaky breaths, Sabro closed his eyes in defeat. The sword dropping to the floor behind them uselessly as just another piece of metal. His arms dropped to his sides soon after.

Irumi smiled even brighter up at the tall demon before turning to the Guardian. Smile never leaving as she raised both hands up in a surrendering gesture. Sabro; following her lead, raised his tired and aching arms back up as well.

The great beast grumbled once more far lower then previously, appreciation in its gaze as it took an earth trembling step forward.

Sabnock in response took an antsy step back as his mind supplied that it was going to finish the job and kill them both. But to his amazement the unexpected happened. The great and proud guardian bowed its head.

It bowed its head to none other than this strange blue haired demon, Irumi. The child follows suit having nestled on the top of its parent's head, bowing its head as well.

Sabro never thought he'd see such a magnificent, proud and deadly magical beast-the Guardian of Cutthroat Valley no less, bowing. Not contracted by the seal of blood and magic. But by mere deed and trust.

"The guardian..it's bowing!" He breathed out in a mix of shock and awe.

Irumi giggled, bowing back to the two beasts respectfully. "Honestly you are too kind! No problem, I was happy to help your little one! I'm happy for the both of you!"

She giggled more, smiling widely to the two who still bowed in submission to her will. The parent knew full well just who her creators were and immediately wished to do anything for this little blue haired youngling that even healed its baby.

'So this is the honor student Irumi..what an unbelievable demon!' Sabro thought, looking down at the undercover girl in awe.

"Ah!-hey don't go flying around too much yet if you don't need to! You just healed up!" Irumi scolded walking forward as the chick landed before her, stifling her laughter as the chick cooed and nuzzled against her face. "Ah-right! How are we going to get to the finish line?" Irumi questioned, turning her gaze to Sabro, eyeing his battered state.

"I indeed can not fly," he stated, not hesitating to show his wing root to his savior. Unfolding his wings to show that they were far too strained and battered.

Irumi scrunched her eyebrows in concern, looking over his wings gently. The Guardian began to coo and rumble low roars. "Ah?" Irumi looked up to the great beast. "You'll give us a ride to the finish line?"

The beast cooed once more in affirmation leaving Irumi to gasp in joy. "Thank you so much! That'll be a great help if you'd please!" She responded. The Guardian let out something suspiciously like a purr as it laid down, inviting the both of them to climb on.

Sabro Sabnock was once more caught off guard and speechless by how powerful Irumi seemed to be capable of bending a beast such as the Guardian to her will.

Afterwards the two climbed on, seated between its wings. Irumi knelt on her hands and knees, worried at pulling the soft feathers of the beast and harming the kind creature.

"You shall fall if thou don't hold tightly. Come! Thy shall secure you!" Sabnock exclaimed, grabbing onto Irumi's suspiciously round hips and pulled the secret girl underneath him, almost pinning the smaller teen between his abs and the soft fur of the great beast.

Irumi's eyes widened as she blushed brightly at the peculiar position and 'seatbelt'. "L-like this then? W-wow it's like being stuck between cotton candy and a rock!" She muttered in confusion.

Meanwhile as the Guardian took to the sky with its young chick chirping and fluttering around it, Sabnock became confused. He didn't think male's had such plush rears after all, he didn't go around  testing this thought and certainly wasn't going to start now.

But no matter, it was much better to rest his hips against something soft after his body was put through so much abuse in the fight. It didn't matter that Irumi had the rear of a feminine demoness. It just made the ride to the finish line all the more appealing.

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