Welcome your Cheerful Playmates Irumi-chan!

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A/N: I know the title is similar to the last but I didn't exactly want to do a pt. 1-pt. 2 hope you enjoy!____________________________________________________________________________
Chapter 7

The Netherworld- the realm where all demons live. And the Monarch who rules is- The Demon King! However, the Demon King's throne has sat empty for ages. Only the most worthy will inherit this seat of sovereignty. But who will it be?

Irumi Suzuki, age 14. She is a pitiful girl who was sold off to a demon by her idiot parents. But, is her heritage all that it seems?


Like the night before, the luminous glow shrouded her slumbering figure, caressing her skin with a tender trace. It condensed against her smallest scars, shaping into the gaps the closed wounds cleaved. Slowly- barely noticeable, the gaps closed the slightest bit more. Looking just a little bit more healed- a little less red, and all the more aged.

Irumi, ignorant of this healing, sighed within the depths of her dreamland. Turning onto her side and curling up in a fetal position, pulling the covers closer as she made herself smaller by habit. "Mmm.." she hummed and mumbled incoherent words as the light faded under her skin awaiting for the next time she slept.

Dawn came, the light of the sun streaking against the sky and peered into her room. As it steadily rose, her hellraiser clock screeched like a hellish rooster with its life on the line. "Gah!!" She yelped, sitting up and rolling out of bed. Her hand over her thumping heart as she looked up at the (still gruesomely) shrieking alarm. "That thing is gonna give me a heart attack.." she whimpered, finally managing to get up to turn it off.

The morning was similar to the others, she got up, was greeted with good mornings paired with hugs, a morning bath prepared by Opera and with Opera's help in tying the high quality bandages-with the addition to some experimental scar creams, got dressed, Sullivan happily sang as he did her hair, and they all ate together a wonderfully delicious meal- Irumi of course consuming a large portion (perhaps the same amount six average demons would), cheerfully thanking Opera for the meal before rushing out, waving to her grandfather and Opera. "I'm heading out now! See you later at school!!" Irumi chirped, rushing down the path.

"Bye pumpkin!! Have a nice day!!" Sullivan called out while waving. A happy blush on his face.

"It would appear she is adjusting to the school nicely," Opera commented, also watching as their new young mistress ran off.

Instantly, Sullivan was reduced to tears. "Mhhmmhmhh! Yes! She is growing so fast! I'm just filled with joy!" Sullivan sobbed in his chibi form. Opera closed his eyes, a handkerchief in hand as they wiped the tears away from their master's face. "But, master. I am curious however, that blood binding..what my lady is showing is not the usual effects and, just what in the Netherworld was that potion?" Opera questioned, their eyes narrowing.

"Lady Irumi's eyes have changed into that peculiar shade, her hair lengthened, changed in color and even texture becoming silkier and softer, and today I could note a bit of her smaller scars closed the slightest bit. Such attributes as those are not common for the blood binding to cause. Even if she is human." Opera stated, becoming curious and a little worried for what next the sweet child will experience- not knowing if it would continue being harmless- and to a point helpful or not.

Sullivan's eyes closed. "She isn't." The elder said firmly. Opera looked up at their master, confusion glistening in their eyes. "Isn't..?"

"She was never fully human to begin with, Opera..come. If I am to make certain things go successfully in her further protection..you will need to know. But take this as a warning Opera," Sullivan's eyes narrowed, his demonic presence and powerful energy swirling in a deadly display of might. "If you misuse this classified information, you will not only be answering to me for such a crime." The powerful Chair-demon walked to his manor, leaving a confused and startled Opera staring at his back. "But Levy, and Belial as well. Understood?"

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