Chapter 24

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When Hinata arrived home, he practically floated and landed on his bed, spreading out his arms and legs and waved them around like a snow angel. Such joy, such rapture, such abundance of positive feelings ricocheted around Hinata he could barely contain himself. He got up and went to the giant bunny Oikawa had won for him at the fair that lived in the corner of the room and hugged it as if he was hugging Oikawa. Hinata sighed, and it was like he exhaled gold dust.

But then - he checked his phone: fifteen missed calls. Nine from Kageyama. Four from Daichi and two from Suga.

Hinata's soul darkened.

For the the first time, for the first time since he'd joined Karasuno, for the first time since he'd joined the volleyball team, a tiny miniscule nano dot of a thought came to Hinata -

I wish the team would leave me alone.

Hinata knew he didn't mean it. Not really. But what he wanted more than anything else right now was time uninterrupted and undisturbed with Oikawa. Time that was free from what felt like a million people butting into his business. He didn't care or want to know about anyone else's opinion.

Hinata just wanted... freedom.

Freedom without judgment, without advice, without interrogation.

He knew it was because they cared. But could they not see that to truly care was to give him space and privacy?

But if he didn't say something now, then he knew it would be even worse tomorrow.

Hinata picked up his phone and called back the easiest person to talk to -

'Hey Hinata,' Suga's voice was calm but he'd picked up after one ring. 'Are you home now?'

'Uh huh.'

'Have you eaten?'

'I'm about to. My mom is just making donburi.'

'Sounds yummy.'


'How are your grades? And homework?' Suga asked.

Hinata sighed. Suga wasn't sure if it he was imagining it but the sigh sounded annoyed.

'Fine,' Hinata replied, with a slight sharpness in his voice.

'So... is Oikawa still teaching you how to serve? I thought that had stopped -'

'It has. My mom doesn't let me see anyone during the week anymore outside of volleyball practice.'

'So Oikawa -?'

'Just walked me home.'

Silence. A long one.

'So Oikawa,' Suga repeated in disbelief, 'came all the way from Aoba Johsai to Karasuno... to walk you home?'

Hinata's face was burning and his heart wanted to run from him. But one sentence kept repeating itself over and over again, round and round in Hinata's mind: it's none of your business.

'Yes.' Hinata replied.


'Because he wanted to spend time with me.'


Hinata could hear Suga's brain working. But Suga said nothing more after that. The third year changed the conversation to volleyball and Hinata went along with it.

Afterwards Hinata thought that maybe, just maybe, that would be the end of it.

But he was wrong.

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