016 | poison

707 53 1

Yoshinori's eyes were cold as he stood outside the Jang's residence. He pressed the doorbell one time and patiently waited for Jang Yunseo to come out of the front door. But, it wasn't Yunseo who came out. It was his sister, Jang Yunhee.

"What are you doing here?" asked Yunhee, still stuck by the door frame.

"Yunseo invited me over for some talk," Yoshinori briefly responded. "Is he around?"

"Yeah, I'll just tell him to come down."

Yoshinori did not even have the chance to thank Yunhee when the girl quickly left. It made him frown for a minute, but disappeared once Yunseo came running outside towards him.

"Hey, come in," Yunseo told the other lad as he opened the gate. "Let's just head straight to my room."

Yoshinori did not spare a single glance on Yunhee once he stepped inside the house. He was only focusing on Yunseo in front of him until reaching the latter's room.

"You see, let us talk about how much of a bullshit Yedam is," Yunseo began as he closed the door of his room. "He used his friendship with Yunhee just because he wanted to know more about what you guys are up to. He doesn't even care about the consequences between him and my sister."

"I can't do anything about that, Yunseo," Yoshinori stated in a monotone voice. "I can assure you on Yunhee's safety whenever I am near her, but you need to be with her always if possible."

"Dude, I can only punch a freaking wall," Yunseo huffed as he sat on his bed. "But, I think Yunhee and I should distance ourselves a bit from you guys. You know, for safety purposes."

Yoshinori only nodded his head, agreeing on what Yunseo suggested. "Anything else?" he asked after

"Ah, this one is very hot," exclaimed Yunseo with a one loud clap. "I saw Seunghun, y'all former leader, talking to Byounggon, which happened to be Hyunsuk's best pal way back then. And as far as I remember, Seunghun was the one who helped you guys get out oft he hospital, right? I think he is─"

"I want you to show me some real evidence, Yunseo," Yoshinori cuts off the latter. "I really do trust you, but this isn't just about the two of us."

"Just a moment," said Yunseo as he grabbed his phone from the bedside table. He went scrolling through the video files on his phone and found what he is searching for. Yunseo then pulled Yoshinori to sit beside him on the bed as they watched the recorded video together.

Yoshinori intently watched the playing video. He could tell that it was just taken recently since he saw how Seunghun looked by now. As for Byounggon, only Hyunsuk knows what he looks recently.

"I'm sorry if what they're talking about is inaudible since I was too far from them and I just zoomed in to get a better view of their faces."

"Now worries, Yunseo. Kindly send that to me and I'll show it to Hyunsuk."

"Alright, I'll send it now."

Just as the video was sent to Yoshinori, Yunseo's mom called him right through the phone. The boy let out a groan, but still answered his mom's call.

Yoshinori was busy on rewatching the recorded video and his suspicion on Seunghun just went extremely high. He was already suspicious from the start, but it just got too much after watching the video.

"Yo, mom told me to help her bring home the groceries," Yunseo told Yoshinori after the call with his mom. "Can you be with Yunhee for a while? I would not take long."

"No," Yoshinori immediately answered while hugging himself. "I can just go home─"

"She would be left alone here," Yunseo cuts him off. "You said earlier that you can assure Yunhee's safety whenever you're near her."

Yoshinori could only mumble curses under his breath. "Fine, be sure to be home as early as possible."

Yunseo grinned before pulling Yoshinori with him downstairs. He told the Japanese boy to just feel at home and not to worry about a thing.

"Yunhee! Mom told me to help her with the groceries! I'll be back later!" Yunseo yelled and did not even give the chance for Yunhee to respond as he ran out of their home.

"Jang Yunseo is such a pain in the ass," Yunhee muttered under her breath as she stepped out of the kitchen, wearing only a bathrobe and an apple on her hand.

Her eyes then landed on Yoshinori standing across her by the living room. Yoshi locked his gaze on Yunhee's face for the sake of peace.

"You─why are you still here?!" screamed Yunhee with a finger pointing towards Yoshinori.

"Yunseo asked me to─"

Yoshinori wasn't able to finish his own sentence when Yunhee threw the apple on him, hitting the top of his head. The boy bit his lower lip, both fists balling caused by the sudden annoyance at what Yunhee just did.

"Don't even bother to look at me, Kanemoto. I'll throw a freaking chair at you if you do," Yunhee tells the latter with a sharp glare.

"For fuck's sake, I didn't know you were wearing a bathrobe," said Yoshinori with his back facing Yunhee. "And I was trying to answer your damn question when you threw the damned apple and hit my head."

"You are inside our household, so you better do as I say," Yunhee spoke lowly. "Don't ever turn around unless I come back here after I change, you got that?"

"Roger that," Yoshinori responded in a sarcastic manner and heard Yunhee's quick footsteps going upstairs after.

The boy let out a sigh as his eyes landed on the apple that laid down on the floor. He picked it up and saw that Yunhee already took a bit from it before it was thrown on his head.

"When will you ever stop poisoning me, Jang Yunhee?" Yoshinori mumbled to himself.

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