Children Custody

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~A couple of days later~
Namjoon's POV
I was making sure the kids were ready and was making them pancakes while Chaeyoung started to whine. "I don't wanna go to court!" "I know sweetie but we have to okay? Come on eat your breakfast." She whined a little more but after I cut her pancakes, she started eating. I fed Junwoo since it was faster and made sure Chaeyoung brushed her teeth and also brushed Junwoo's teeth, also kinda teaching him at the same time. I got them in their car seats and drove off. Jungkook had classes so I didn't bother him at all. I parked the car and picked Junwoo up and started walking to the courthouse and met with my lawyer outside. "How are you feeling Namjoon?" "Not gonna lie, I'm a little nervous, I feel like she has something that'll make her have custody of the kids." I sighed and we walked inside and I sat down with Junwoo on my lap. "Well did you do anything wrong?" "I mean the only thing I did was go on a date and have my close friend watch the kids." "Hm, then I don't think you should worry that much." I nodded and saw Jiwoo walk in with her new boyfriend and lawyer.

I didn't bother looking at them since Junwoo was showing my his toy that he brought and Chaeyoung was next to me and drawing. "Hero!" "Yeah Junwoo that's a super hero." I smiled and tickled him a bit then it was time to go to one of the courts. (Idk how it goes in court, but I do know how family court goes cause of Law and Order SVU :) ) We went inside and I saw Yoongi there. "Yoongi? What are you doing here I thought you were busy?" "Nah I cleared my schedule. I'll be here with the kids." Chaeyoung held Junwoo's hand and walked over to Yoongi. "Uncle Yoongi!" "Yoon!" Yoongi picked Junwoo up and sat down, focusing on what Junwoo was showing him. I sat at the table in the front with the lawyer, waiting for the judge to come in.

After about 15 minutes the lawyer came in and we all stood up for a bit and then sat down. "So a this a retrial?" "Yes your honor as my client would like full custody of her kids." "How can she ask for full custody after she said it's fine that my  client, Mr.Kim has full custody?" "Because she at first knew she was going to see them when he allowed to, but he keeps denying her to see her children." "And why is that Mr.Kim?" "Because she asks to see them right away when I'm busy at work, especially during meetings." The judge looked at the both of them and sighed. "So is there anything else?" It was silent for a bit but Jiwoo was whispering with her lawyer. "Excuse me is there something that we should know Mr.Jeon?" Her lawyer looked at her and sighed, then looked at the judge. "I just found out that Mr.Kim is not even the one taking care of them, he has someone else do that and as he is busy with his job, we still request the full custody towards Mrs.Jung." "My client has a baby sitter from one to six, he still spends time with them in the morning and takes Chaeyoung to her school and spends time with Junwoo so he still takes care of them."

"I would like to hear from the oldest daughter." "Okay, Namjoon tell Chaeyoung to come up." I nodded and went to Chaeyoung. "Sweetie come on." "Why?" "You gotta answer some questions okay?" "Okay!" She walked up and sat in a chair. "Hi Chaeyoung." "Hi Mr.Lee!" He smiled a bit and walked up. "I'm gonna ask you some questions okay?" She nodded and smiled. "How does your dad treat you?" "Oh he's the best! He makes me breakfast, and makes my lunch for school!" "Do you like him better than your mom?" "Yeah, way more than my mom." He nodded and the other lawyer came up. "Why don't you like your mom sweetie?" "Well she hurt dad....she kissed someone else and he saw." "Would you give mom a chance?" "No, I don't like that she hurt my dad." The other lawyer sat down.

She got up and ran to Yoongi and sat down. "Okay, I just want to hear the dad's side of the story." I nodded and got up and sat down in the chair next to the judge. "So I just wanna know what happened the day that you started the divorce, or before you did." "Okay..." I sighed.

I had Junwoo and Chaeyoung both in a stroller and was walking back to the house after a walk outside. I went up to my house and saw another car in the driveway. "That's weird, there was no one here other than Jiwoo." I went up and unlocked the door and went in. It was quiet so I placed Chaeyoung in her toddler bed and Junwoo in his crib. I put the stroller up and walked to my room and I could hear Jiwoo and some random guy. I placed my ear on the door to listen to her. "You sure he doesn't know?" "Yes he doesn't know! Besides he's too busy taking care of the kids instead of me and my needs." I sighed and quietly opened the door and saw them both cuddling in bed, their clothes were scattered everywhere. "Wow so because I pay attention to our children you can cheat?" "Namjoon! When did you come in?" "Maybe about a couple of minutes ago." They were both hurrying to get their clothes on. "This is already pointless." I walked into our closet and grabbed a 2 suitcases, one for me and Chaeyoung and a bag for Junwoo.

I was packing my clothes and then walked to Chaeyoung and put her clothes into her little suitcase. "Namjoon why are you being like this?!" I only ignored her and got some of Junwoo's stuff in the bag and went back into the room, well, she dragged me to the room. "Why are you like this right now?!" "Because of I'm tired of the bullshit you say Jiwoo! I should've just fucking left when you first started cheating but no I stayed because of the children!" "You never payed attention to me!" I chuckled and looked at her. "Because you were out partying and then you decide to bring your friends over that have alcohol and drugs around the kids! That's not safe!" I left and made sure my car had the two car seats and I picked Chaeyoung and Junwoo up and placed them in, I covered Chaeyoung with a blanket after putting the seat belt on her. "No you're not leaving." "Yes I am oh also," I looked at her. "I want a divorce." I got into the car and drove off to another house I had.

~Flashback end~

"So you've had the kids ever since then?" "Yes." Mr.Lee sat down and I sat down since the other lawyer had nothing to say. "Okay, I know who to give custody to." We all stood up and looked at the judge. "Mr.Kim you are a hardworking father for your daughter and son and I see that." I looked at the judge. "And it's great but unfortunately your work schedule just isn't working at all with allowing your ex to see the kids so, I'm gonna have to give custody to her." "What? I'm sorry your honor but she's never even took care of them!" "But as she does work from home, she can take better care of them." I looked at Mr.Lee and then at Jiwoo and her lawyer. One of the court officers picked Junwoo up and held Chaeyoung's hand and led them to Jiwoo. "No I don't wanna go to mom!" Chaeyoung ran to me and hugged me. "I wanna stay with dad!" I crouched down to her and hugged her tightly. "I know sweetie but you're gonna have to go okay? I'll always go see you okay?" I kissed her forehead and Jiwoo walked out. I walked out with Yoongi and Mr.Lee and I just walked to my car and sat in for awhile.

I drove back to the house and saw Jungkook sitting there so I parked my car and walked up to him. "Hey! Where are the kids?" I led him inside and sat down.  "Umm...Jiwoo has custody of the kids." "What? Why?" "It's because she works from home, and she's paid well don't get me wrong, but they think it's better for the kids to be with her, since I'm gone most of the day." "So what now?" "You're still gonna baby sit them when needed so if a random number texts you, that's her." "Okay, are you okay?" "I....I don't know." I teared up. "I mean I'm just gonna miss them so much, it's obviously not gonna be the same, it's just gonna be super quiet now!"

Jungkook's POV

I sighed and pulled him into a hug and he just cried. "I know it's gonna be hard, just don't go through this alone okay?" "Okay, I need to go to the store." "Okay, I'm gonna go, Jimin needs me for some odd reason. Love you." I kissed him on the forehead and left.

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