First Date

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Jungkook's POV
Every since the kiss incident, I've been kind of avoiding him and it's just been really awkward. I was driving over and decided to buy some snacks and go to Namjoon's house. I knocked on the door and Chaeyoung opened the door. "Hey Chaeyoung!" She pulled me in and sneezed. "I feel dad let me stay home." "Yeah, I made her some soup but I don't think she wants to eat." I saw him put his coat on and grabbed something. "I'll be back at 5. Bye Jungkook!" I waved bye and I closed the door after he left.

Chaeyoung ate some soup and she was laying down in bed while I watched Junwoo play. I was watching Tv when Chaeyoung yelled for me so I quickly went to her. "Yes Chae?" "My tummy don't feel good..." "Maybe you need to throw up." I led her to the bathroom and I was correct, she did throw up. After she was done she started crying. "Sweetie it's okay! You're just feeling really sick!" She kept crying so I picked her up and comforted her and she fell asleep. I placed her in the bed and tucked her in and checked on Junwoo. He wasn't in the living so I looked in the kitchen and he was standing there looking at the jar of cookies. "What do you want Junwoo?" I crouched down to him and he looked at me then pointed at the cookie jar.

"Let's eat first okay?"

~A couple of hours later~

Junwoo was asleep on the couch and Namjoon just came inside. "Hey, I'm gonna place Junwoo in bed." I picked him up and went into his room and tucked him into bed. I went back downstairs and saw him sitting on the couch. "Chaeyoung ate and had medicine already, I think she's asleep." He nodded and I grabbed my bag. "I'll get going now-" "Wait Jungkook we need to talk." I stopped and looked at him. "Okay..." I sat down next to him and placed my bag down.

No one's POV

They were both really quiet, it was super awkward so Jungkook was fidgeting a lot with his hands. "About yesterday...sorry I was somewhat drunk I think? It wasn't right of me." "No it's fine." Namjoon was starting to shake his foot. "About this kiss, I didn't mean to do that- wait no I mean I wanted to- shit no uhhh.." He covered his face. "I like you, I know it's probably weird for someone to like their babysitter." Jungkook looked at him and had blushed a bit. "Well....I-I....I feel the same." "Wait really?" He nodded. "For awhile, it's just the way you stay so positive, and how you care for your kids. You just seem really kind and have such a great personality that everyone wants to be around you." Namjoon looked at him and smiled a bit. "And besides...I may or may not have enjoyed the kiss."

They both scooted a little closer. "So you don't mind if I kiss you?" Namjoon held his hand and Jungkook nodded. He closed the gap between them, kissing him and Jungkook kissing back. He wrapped his arms around his waist and pulled him, basically having him on his lap. Jungkook broke the kiss. "That was something." Namjoon smiled and kissed his cheek. "I want to try this relationship Jungkook, it's just if you wanna try this relationship work." "Yeah I do." Jungkook got up and Namjoon got up as well. "I'll be back tomorrow." "No take a week off, you've been watching them for long and I'll be with them. Maybe I'll take you on a date." They both smiled. "Yeah, okay." They both went to the door and opened the door but before Jungkook left, he kissed him and left to his car and drove off.

He got into his apartment and Jimin ran up to him. "What?" Jimin was basically analyzing him and he gasped. "Oh my gosh! You kissed Namjoon!" "Wait what how-" Jimin covered his mouth. "Your lips are redder AND your cheeks are really red!" He got his hand away from his mouth and walked into the kitchen. "Oh my gosh are you dating him now? Cause if you are then the kids already love you anyway!" He was about to say something but someone walked to them. "Jimin you really need to leave him alone." It was Yoongi and he wraps his arm around Jimin's waist. Jungkook quickly looked at Yoongi then ducked under the counter. "Anyway this is- huh? Where did he go?" "I don't know." Jimin looked around and looked under the counter. "Really Jungkook? Get up and introduce yourself!"

He slowly got up and looked at him. "Uhhh, hi, I'm Jungkook, yeah!" He looked around. "Okay bye!" He grabbed his soda and ran up to his room with his bag of snacks. He sat down on his bed and was watching Netflix.

~A Couple of Days Later~

Jungkook was getting ready for a date with Namjoon and Jimin was helping him. "Let's see what shirts you have!" "Wait I don't think you want to-" It was already too late. He opened the closet and all there really was were hoodies. "Jungkook are you serious right now? All you have are hoodies!! What about some nice shirts!" He looked everywhere in his closet trying to see if he has some nice shirts. "We'll I really like hoodies!" Jimin sighed. "What time is he picking you up?" "At 7." Jimin looked at the time and grabbed Jungkook's wrist. "It's 3 so we got time to get some stuff for you, like a brand new closet!" Jungkook whined. "My hoodies are just fine!" He got in the car with Jimin. "Yeah for college but for a date? Really Jungkook?" He drove off to the mall while Jungkook kept trying to convince him hoodies are great for everything.

"Kook I swear if you try convincing me one more time I'm kicking you out of the apartment for a week." He kept quiet and they went into the mall and Jimin did what he said was gonna do, he literally got him a new closet of clothes. They got home and Jimin kept grabbing a bunch of new shirts and put it in front of Jungkook. "Hey where is this date?" "Uhhh some new restaurant, think it was like fancy?" Jimin threw the shirt and quickly grabbed another one. "This one! And these pants and earrings, necklace and shoes! Go change now!" Jimin placed the outfit on the bed and left the room. Jungkook changed and put his shoes on and by the time he finished, Namjoon was outside. He said bye to Jimin and left the apartment complex into Namjoon's car.

Namjoon held his hand and kissed him on the cheek and drove off to the restaurant. Jungkook had been looking at all the stars and the clouds around that they had already made it into the parking lot. "Okay, we're here!" Jungkook looked and they both got out of the car and went inside. "Hello! Do you have a reservation?" "Yes I do." "Under what name?" "Kim Namjoon at 7:30." The hostess was typing and smiled a bit. "Okay follow me!" She grabbed two menus and led them to the outside area and to a table and placed the menus down. "A waiter will be with you shortly." They both sat down and Jungkook looked around. "Wow this place is....extra fancy." "Yeah, I think it's still kinda new here though." Namjoon looked at him and smiled. "You look amazing." "Thanks, not so bad yourself." They both smiled and looked at the menu.

Jungkook looked through the menu and freaked out a bit on the inside. "Wait are you sure this is the right place?" "Yes it is why?" Namjoon looked at him. "This says chicken Alfredo is thirty dollars!" Namjoon looked. "Yeah they're....kinda expensive but what they serve should be a good size on the plate." They both continued looking at the menu and ordered the food and drinks by the time the waiter came by. They had been enjoying time together, eating and Jungkook was drinking water while Namjoon drank some wine. Soon enough Namjoon paid the bill and left with Jungkook, taking him to an ice cream parlor. "I thought maybe we could get some ice cream before I drop you off."

They both ordered some ice cream, Jungkook being extra got a sundae with chocolate and sprinkles, Namjoon just got a raspberry sorbet in a waffle cone. They had been talking about funny things, making each other laugh, Jungkook stealing some ice cream while Namjoon looked away. Of course the last time he did, Namjoon caught him and took some of his ice cream. They finished their ice cream and got in the car. "Hey Jungkook, I need to ask you something." "Huh? What is it?" Namjoon took a deep breath and looked at him. "In a couple of days, I have to go back to family court, my ex is trying to gain custody of the kids." "What? Why?" "She's saying I never let her see the kids, although she asks when I'm the most busiest and I always have to be there when she sees them." "Oh." He looked at a picture of Junwoo and Chaeyoung. "Can you just be there, you know by my side and with the kids?" "Of course, I'm only there for the kids." He laughed a bit and smiled at Namjoon. "Don't worry so much okay?" He nodded and parked the car in front of the apartment complex. "I'll see you later okay?" "Okay, goodnight." Jungkook pecked him on the lips and left, going into his apartment and straight to his room, changing into pajamas and going straight to bed.

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