New Babysitter

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Jungkook's POV
"That's it Jungkook you're fired!!"

I sighed and placed the dirty apron on the desk and walked out. This is already the 3rd job I've been fired from! It was at a clothing store, then a restaurant and now a bakery, I'm close to being shitty in everything. I called my friend Jimin to come pick me up and we were driving back to the apartment. "Fired again Kook?" I nodded and started looking on my phone. "Don't worry I'll look for another job." "You don't have to work, my job covers everything for us." "I feel bad if I don't put anything in though!" Jimin was older than me so he had already graduated college, I was still a sophomore. "It's fine Kook, you really don't need to put anything in. Let's go to the store to get some things and then we can look for potential jobs for you!" "Okay fine."

We were in the store grabbing some snacks and whatever things we needed, went up to pay and drove home. We put everything away except for the snacks since we were gonna eat them and looked on the laptop for new jobs. "Oh look! How about working at a bookstore!" I looked at him. "You really think I like reading?" "I thought you did?" "Yeah when I was in middle school! Definitely not that. What else is there?" I continued scrolling the endless pages of places that were hiring. There was a job at the mall, at a fast food place, boba and frozen yogurt and some pho restaurant. "Look Jimin! You can be a baby sitter!" I pressed on the babysitter needed and read through it and smiled a bit. "Okay, sure!" And I applied and turned the laptop off.

It must've been an hour because I got a random caller, usually I don't answer but it might've been the person looking for a babysitter so I answered. "Hello?" "Hi! You're the person that put in the application right?" "For babysitting? Yes I did!" I could hear some running around and screaming in the background. "Okay! I-I know this is short notice but I REALLY have to get to work and I was hoping you could possibly come in!" I looked at the time, it was already 1. "Yeah I can go in right now!" "Oh thank goodness! Thank you so much! I'll send you the address." "Okay sir, bye!" I ended the call and saw the address he sent me. "Jimin I'm gonna go now!" "I can drop you off." "Okay thanks." We both got in the car and drove to the house. "Look you sure this is the right house?" I looked at it and looked at the address. "Yeah this is it."

I got out of the car and knocked on the door. Within a couple of seconds, the door was open and there was a guy standing there. "Yes?" "Oh I'm the babysitter." "Oh! Come in! Sorry I'm Kim Namjoon!" "I'm Jeon Jungkook." I shook his hand and heard a kid screaming and a baby crying. "I'm so sorry about this short notice, but I will explain everything once I'm back from work." I nodded and followed him to the kids room. "Sweetie come here!" A little kid ran up, she seemed about 3. "This is Chaeyoung, she's three and the baby is Junwoo, he's only 4 months old." He picked up the baby and comforted him. "Formula for him is in the kitchen in the top cabinet, bottle warmer is right next to microwave and if Chaeyoung gets hungry, I cut some fruit up for her and there's chicken nuggets in the freezer." I nodded and picked Junwoo up while he grabbed his things. "Like I said thanks for coming on such a short notice!" "No problem!" Chaeyoung ran up and hugged his leg and came back to me. "Bye daddy!" "Bye sweetie!" And he left quickly. "Sir, what's your name?"  I placed Junwoo in his crib and sat next to Chaeyoung. "My name is Jungkook but you can call me Kookie." "Okay Kookie! Can we play?" I smiled. "Sure."

~A couple of hours later~

I took some chicken nuggets out and got Junwoo's bottle out of the warmer, got the fruit and chicken nuggets on the plate. "Okay Chaeyoung! Your chicken nuggets are ready!" I picked Junwoo up and smiled at him. "Kookie can you cut the chicken nuggets please?" "Sure!" I grabbed a butter knife and just cut them easily. After I cut the nuggets, I started feeding Junwoo and I heard a door starting to open so I looked and Namjoon came in and put all his stuff away. "Hey Jungkook, thank you so much for watching them." "No problem." I smiled a bit and burped Junwoo and placed him in the crib. "Did you eat anything?" I looked at him. "No not yet." "I can order something for you while I tell you about everything." "Okay, thank you." He smiled and got his phone and ordered some Chinese takeout.

The food arrived and we both were eating. "Like I said, like a hundred times already, thanks for coming in on such a short notice, usually I interview people but an urgent meeting came up and I didn't know who else to ask." "No problem! So what is there to explain?" I finished eating and threw any trash away. "Well I want to make sure there are certain hours that are fine for you." I nodded and sat back down. "So I own a business, I'm the CEO and there's a lot of times where I will be gone for a good while. Sometimes I can have a day off but usually get calls for emergency meetings." I nodded.  "Chaeyoung is a sweet girl, but there are times where she will misbehave a lot, Junwoo is just a baby, he always has tummy time, and he doesn't always cry." "Okay, if you don't mind me asking, where is their mom?" I looked at him. "If I pushed a line then I'm sorry-" "No don't worry it's fine. Their mom, my ex-wife, we're filing a divorce." "Oh okay." I stayed quiet.

"Sorry if I made it awkward asking that." "No it's fine. But if you do see a lady here one day, don't let her in, if she barges her way in, please let me know and I will be there right away." I nodded. "Also I usually leave about one, sometimes I leave at two for work." "Okay that's fine, I get out of classes at twelve since I take super early classes." I got a message from Jimin saying he was outside. "Okay, I must go now, bye Mr.Kim!" "Oh just call me Namjoon." "Okay, bye Namjoon! Bye Chaeyoung!" I smiled as she hugged me. "Bye Kookie!" I left and got in the car. "How was it?" "Oh my gosh his kids are so cute!!! Chaeyoung has the cutest dimples and I could see where she got that from and Junwoo just has the chubbiest cheeks!" I squealed and Jimin looked at me if I was weird. "Woah, I've never send you act this way" "They were super cute! You should've seen them!" We made it home and I took a shower and changed into pajamas and fell asleep quickly.

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