Casual Babysitting

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Jungkook's POV
I was in my last class before I leave to get some lunch. My major is in Health and I'm planning to become an athletic trainer at a high school. I've always liked early morning classes better than afternoon so I took advantage of them since they were smaller classes. Class had just finished so I grabbed my things and left. I put my books in my bag and walked to the bus to get some Panda Express before going to babysit again. After eating I decided to stop by Walmart to get some things. I got a coloring book and crayons for Chaeyoung, and a little toy for Junwoo cause why not?

I paid for the items, and got Jimin to drop me off at the house. I knocked on the door and saw Namjoon open the door. I tried not to laugh. "What? Why are you gonna laugh?" "That's some nice makeup, and a cool mustache." I started laughing. "What?" I went in and he looked in the mirror. "Have I been walking around like this the entire time?!" I shrugged and placed the bag on the table. "Kookie!!" "Hi Chaeyoung!" I smiled and picked her up. "Okay, I already fed Junwoo and I'll be back later!" I waved bye to him and gave Chaeyoung the coloring book and she sat at the table and she started coloring. After awhile, Junwoo woke up and was crying so I got up and went into the room and changed his diaper and brought some of his things down into the living room and laid him down on his tummy for some tummy time.

I was helping Chaeyoung color when I heard a knock on the door. "Oh that must be the pizza." I got up and opened the door. "Hello!" "Your pizza is here, it's ten dollars." I grabbed the money and paid him and took the pizza. "Thank you have a great day!" I closed the door and locked it, then placed the pizza on the counter. "Kookie look at Junwoo!" I looked quickly and saw him turn onto his back. "Awww he can turn around now!" Chaeyoung sat down next to Junwoo and I sat on the other side. "He's the cutest!" I poked his cheeks and smiled. "But I'm the cutest!" She pouted and I smiled a bit. "Both of you are super cute!" I pinched her cheek and she whined a bit. "Nooo never do that!"

I heard the door open and saw Namjoon come inside. "Oh you're early today!" He placed all his things down and picked Chaeyoung up. "Yeah, a lot of meetings were cancelled so I was able to come home early. I can drive you home if you want." "If you can." He nodded and he picked Junwoo up and placed them in the car and he drove me to my apartment. "Thanks a lot Namjoon! Do you need me to babysit tomorrow?" "No I have the day off but if anything changes I'll call." "Okay, bye Chaeyoung! Thank you for the ride home!" I closed the car door and went inside my apartment and I saw Jimin looking right at me. "Excuse me how the fuck did you get here?!" "Uhh..." I looked away then looked back at him. "Namjoon gave me a ride home." I walked away and he followed me.

"Yeah but the kid's parents NEVER drop their babysitter off. I told you to call me! Unless..." He gasped and I looked at him. "What Jimin?" "Oh my gosh, you and him totally fucked right?" "JIMIN! What the fuck!? I was babysitting not fucking someone! Something is so wrong with you!" "I mean come on! You're good looking, you got curves AND the perfect height!" "Yeah unlike you with your short ass. Let's just drop this subject, don't you have some date or something?" "No that was last week but oh my gosh was that guy hot." "You know I don't think I need all the details." "You sure?" I nodded. "I don't think I want to hear the details of a hook up you had." "Hey it wasn't a hook up! We've been talking still and I kinda think he's the one."

I sighed and got a cup of water. "Okay who is this guy?" "His name is Min Yoongi." I was drinking my water when I spit the water out and started coughing. "Woah you okay?" I put the cup down and showed a picture of a guy to him. "You mean THE Min Yoongi!?" He nodded. "I don't get why you're freaking out." "Jimin he's like the most famous music producers out there!! How the fuck did you get to talk to him!?" He put his hand on his chin. "Hm, I don't know, I think it was because of how good looking I am. Or how short I am. I don't know!" "Whatever you do, keep him." "Okay? Hey I should be giving YOU relationship advice!" I grabbed some chips and opened the bag. "Yeah no thanks I'm fine." "Look you're a sophomore in college who parties crazy, but yet you haven't had your first kiss or a one night stand, which I get the second one but the first kiss? You sure haven't kissed anyone at all?" "I'm waiting for the right person Jimin. I don't want to give my first kiss to someone that won't care about me you know?" I sat on the couch and Jimin sat next to me. "Yeah I get what you mean, you know everyone tries getting a one night at parties or clubs, sometimes at the bars too. It's just weird." "Yeah you can tell me that again."

Jimin had made some grilled chicken with broccoli and Mac and cheese. I ate, took a shower, changed into pajamas and fell asleep.

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