Chapter 47

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Mew looks down at the graduation certificate and the gold medal Gulf had asked to hold for him. His baby has graduated now!

He recalls how Gulf had come running to him after the ceremony was over, beaming wide, holding his certificate and the gold medal up for him to see. And Gosh! He looks so handsome in his graduation uniform and that red robe. But before he could congratulate him properly, like he had intended to, by hugging the hell out of him and peppering kisses all over his face, his boy was taken away from him by his parents. And then his stupid friends! It's Gulf's day and he is having fun, so Mew had curbed his possessive tendencies and contented on just watching his baby getting coddled by everyone. Besides he can congratulate him at home all he wants, without any disturbance, so all is good.

They all were gathered in the room the University had prepared for him and his family and he watches Gulf getting pampered by his mother and father at the other side of the room. They were coaxing him to eat something. The boy had been up since early morning and had barely eaten anything because 'I am so excited, my tummy feels funny, Mr.Suppasit. I won't be able to stomach anything'. Helpless, being at the receiving end of those puppy eyes, Mew had let him be but now that the graduation ceremony is over and the boy is back with them, his parents were on the mission to get some food inside that boy. There is still time before they leave for the celebratory lunch. They haven't even taken any pictures yet.

"Is that Mrs.Jong's designer scarf that Gulfie is using as a napkin?" He hears Mild's baffled voice ask from beside him.

Mew chuckles. Yeah, it is. "She tucked it under his chin, so his pretty uniform wouldn't get ruined if he happens to drop his food on his clothes."

"Wow!" Mild blinks in disbelief. "That scarf costs more than my monthly rent and Mrs.Jong is using it as a napkin? But then again, it's Gulfie, so I totally get her. I would do the same if I were her."

"Gulf is looking like a prince charming from those fairytales in that white uniform" Tong adds, looking like a proud mother.

"Right, Gulf seriously should consider modeling. I bet he would take the modeling industry by storm" Aa chips in from beside Mild where they both were disgustingly being mushy.

Mew just shakes his head at them, smiling as he watches Gulf relish his favourite Krapow. Raising the camera he specially bought for today to his eyes, he calls out to him, "Tua-eng, here!"

Cheeks full of food like a chipmunk, Gulf whirls around to look at him, and Mew laughs, successfully capturing his cute expression.

Gulf scowls at him, raising his fork in a warning.

"So scary, baby" he teases earning a huff before the boy goes back to eating.

"Someone posted Gulf's picture online already and congratulatory messages and wishes are pouring in like crazy" Kaownah says amazed, turning his phone towards him to see.

Mew shrugs, not surprised. Even some media people had the wind of it and were waiting for Gulf at the university entrance for his pictures. Gulf had been really surprised when he had found out they were waiting for him, that too since morning. So his ever kind baby, with the help of Korn, had arranged food and drinks for them so they wouldn't have to go hungry while waiting for him. So it wasn't a surprise when he had found that some reporters had even brought congratulatory flowers to congratulate Gulf. His boy is really loved by everyone.

Speaking of which, he glances at his watch and frowns. Where the hell are these two? If the man really went back home after the ceremony he is going to get a piece of his mind! But just as the thought crosses his mind, the room door opens, and Korn steps inside, followed by Gulf's father and Sam.

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