"Hi" Gulf greets him shyly after walking inside.

"Hi" he chuckles. "What are you doing here? Not that I am not happy, I am just surprised" he immediately pulls him into his arms, kissing his cheek in greeting.

"I wanted to see you about something, I just couldn't wait. I called P'Mild first to ask if you are free, he said you didn't have anything scheduled in the afternoon, so I am here. I also brought you lunch" his baby shows him the lunch bag he is carrying.

"Baby, you didn't need to ask Mild. You could have just called me, I would have taken you out on a nice lunch" he shakes his head at him fondly.

"Aow, there's no need for that" Gulf takes his hand, pulling him to the couch to sit. "We can just eat here. I have cooked your favourite."

"You always cook my favourites" he grins. And indeed when Gulf unpacks the lunch boxes he can see it's one of his favourite dishes; teriyaki salmon with stir-fried greens and brown rice. "What did you want to see me about?" he asks after helping him lay out their lunch.

"To thank you," Gulf says and he is confused until his boy adds, "I talked to Phi, today." He pecks his cheek, blessing him with his heart-shaped smile "Thank you for encouraging me to talk to him. I am so happy today."

Mew feels his heart swell at the happiness shining in his eyes, "It went well it seems?" he smiles.

Gulf nods, "We talked and he...he also apologized for his behaviour. Phi said he knows now that you really care about me. He still doesn't like you but he would try to not talk bad about you. He is happy for me. It's a good start, isn't it Mr. Suppasit? I am sure he will come around and see one day how nice you are."

Like Mew had said before he didn't care what that guy thought about him, he is just happy that his baby has his Phi back in his life. He pecks his forehead, "I am glad for you, baby."

Gulf beams at him, before passing a fork to him, "Now, let's eat before the food gets cold."

"Thank you for this surprise visit by the way" he grins before digging into his delicious lunch.

As he watches the pure joy on Gulf's face, he feels relieved that everything went the way he had hoped and that Sam had enough brain cells to listen to him.


Two days ago

Mew couldn't believe his luck. Just the night before Gulf and him were talking about Gulf's brother and now the guy is in the same room as him. He was at a lunch meeting when his eyes fell on the table across them only to see Sam glaring at him. The audacity! he scoffs.

As the meeting gets over and his clients leave, Mew moves towards the restroom. Sam who is at the sink, shrinks watching him walk inside. It's subtle but doesn't go unnoticed by him causing him to smirk in satisfaction.

"Why the hell are you here?" Sam glares at him.

"Don't worry, I have no interest in seeing you either" Mew rolls his eyes, "but I think we need to have a word regarding my husband."

Sam scoffs, "I don't want to talk to you about anything, especially my brother. Now don't waste my time and scram."

Mew raises a menacing eyebrow, "Oh yeah? I don't think so."

"Suit yourself" Sam rolls his eyes moving towards the door but halts when Tamp takes a step towards them, hands casually reaching behind his back as if he is about to pull out a weapon or something. This is one of those moments when Mew is thoroughly amused at how his bodyguard so easily intimidates people with his antics.

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