[11] I can't believe my friends came to save a murderer

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 I struggled to open my eyes, but when I did I saw light shining down from a hole far back in the cavern. The hole looked like dwarves doing. Keefe, Sophie, Fitz, Dex, Biana, Tam, Linh, Wylie, and all their bodyguards entered the cavern.

They were here to rescue me. But why? I'm just a murderer. Once they hear the truth they'll regret saving me.

"I knew you were behind this!" Keefe shouted angrily at his mother.

She let out a wicked laugh, "it's too late to save your precious Y/n."

The shadowflux tightened around my body, making me let out a painful cry.

"I honestly thought you wouldn't mind if I killed her." Lady Gisela sighed disappointingly.

Her entire act was just to mock everyone.

Keefe fisted his hands and was about to charge towards his mother. Sophie grabbed his shoulder before he could run into battle recklessly.

"Wait, Keefe. This could all be a trap." Sophie whispered.

"But Y/n is...is going to..." He couldn't bring himself to say to be killed, "we can't just stand here and do nothing!"

Lady Gisela let out another wicked laugh before saying, "Umber, dispose of her already. I want to see everyone's reactions."

Umber nodded. She was about to snap all my bones.

"How... can you... do this... to your own apprentice...?" I muttered under deep breaths.

"All I do is follow orders. I do not consider you my apprentice, you are more like a pawn. Someone to sacrifice to get closer to the Neverseens main objective." Umber explained.

From the little bit, I could make out of her expression, it was blank. She didn't mind ending my life.

I was hoping she'd have at least some care about me after training me for all that time. But she didn't, and now I was about to be killed in front of all my friends.

I lay on the ground, too weak to get up and flee. I wanted to get up and hug all my friends goodbye, but Umber didn't give me that chance.

Everything dropped black. The last thing I saw was everyone charging towards me. Keefe had tears falling from his eyes. Why did he have to care about me so much? Only if we weren't so close he wouldn't have to be so heartbroken.

I felt like I was falling through a void of endless darkness. No beginning and no end.

My body felt numb. I couldn't feel or move any of my limbs.

Was this what it felt like to be...


Keefe POV

Was this really the end of Y/n? Was she really going to die right here before my eyes? Before I had the chance to say I love you?


She will live.

We will save her.

As we all charged for battle, my mother wimped out and light leaped away. I was really hoping I could've given her a nice punch in the face. She left Umber to defend herself on her own. She clearly didn't expect visitors, so didn't prepare a backup plan.

I'd have to thank Dex a million times when this is all over. I insisted he kept a small tracking device on Y/n just so she didn't do anything suspicious. We needed to keep surveillance of her actions since we didn't know her background. Lucky we did, because if I hadn't suggested the tracking device we wouldn't be here right now and Y/n would be dead.

Everyone distracted Umber while Bangs Boy and I ran over to Y/n. Bangs Boy had been training with shadowflux lately, so I was hoping he'd be able to remove it before it crushed Y/n completely. She was currently unconscious and I didn't know how much time she had left, so we needed to act quickly.

I knew that Y/n was good friends with Bangs Boy since they had Shade class together, which made me extremely jealous. Ro would always tease me about the two of them getting together. But it was clear. But it was clear Y/n chose me.

We almost kissed, too....

"Elwin, we need to take her to Elwin," Tam told me, cutting off my thoughts.

I didn't like the idea of Team Tam-Keefe, but I had to take part in it to save Y/n.

The moment he mentioned Elwin, I reached for my pocket to pull out a crystal. My hands were shaky and it was hard to focus, but I managed to keep hold of the crystal.

"Hang on a little bit longer..." I whispered to Y/n's limp body.

We leaped to Elwin leaving everybody to fight.


Yeeee i haven't read through any of this book and edited it, so if you catch any errors please comment where so i can fix it– anyways hope u enjoyed this chapter. It was a bit shorter than usual and was rushed because i have school. And sadly, this x reader is approaching it's end :'( but once its completed i may still update chapters every once in a while that are just fillers with random scenarios. 

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